Wow about the price for the cleaning out the septic. I never thought of the price. I would say that some towns are expensive so the sewer truck companies probably think that they can afford to pay them. I think I paid $400 to $600 dollars for cleaning it out. It depends which company that we could afford it. I believe that some trucking companies are rip-off.
Oh the galvanized philip heads - not bad... I didn't like the square screws. I prefer the philips - oh well. I didn't know about it that time. I will use the philips in the future in case my deck needs a replacement.
I love your woods I wish that you could give me some leftovers for me to replace my deck. Actually, my deck is nice. We recently had to paint the deck with solid paint because a few woods started small cracks due the UV exposures (from the sun rays). The stain paint last 2 years which is not good enough. The solid paint last 8 years that give us more time to paint it.
About your septic PVC pipes, would it be a possible for you to cut them down to the ground? My septic pipe is in the ground about a foot deep. I put a flat rock on the top of ground so that I know where to find the pipe. Your PVC pipes look so ugly, and I didn't want to rude for me to say that to you. I was an insurance house inspector, and I have never see any house that has a pipe that appear on the ground for the septic - ...except the oil tank pipe vent.
About the insurance for the septic tanks, that's something... I don't believe that. I think it is a bullshit. I am afraid that you are wasting your money for that because my septic never cracked for more than 40 years.