Bubble Wrap will lose is popping sound

... Bubble wrap and duck tape...
Why are they gettin rid of it?
Some one got offended?
So, someone got offended.with the popping.....

Lol that I would not doubt... but this time is for the main reason things change... money...
Bubble wrap in shipping is being used less so they are find in cheaper ways to make it...
Here's an interesting article about bubble wrap

Bubble Wrap Was Originally Supposed to be Wallpaper
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Daven Hiskey
filed under: History, technology
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Bubble Wrap's original purpose was far from what we use the product for today.

In 1957, engineer Al Fielding and Swiss inventor Marc Chavannes were trying to create a textured wallpaper. To do so, they sealed two shower curtains together in such a way that air bubbles were captured, giving the wallpaper a textured appearance.

But the wallpaper idea didn’t sell too well.

Undeterred, Fielding and Chanvannes decided to market their invention as greenhouse insulation. Though the material did offer somewhat of an insulating effect, this idea didn’t pan out popularly, either.

It wasn't until three years after the origination of their invention that Frederick W. Bowers, a marketer at Sealed Air, which made the product, finally came up with the perfect use for it. On October 5, 1959, IBM had announced their new 1401 variable word length computer. Bowers got the idea that Bubble Wrap could be used as a good packaging material to protect the computer while it was being shipped. He pitched the idea to IBM and demonstrated Bubble Wrap’s protective abilities. His demonstration went over well, and IBM began purchasing Bubble Wrap to protect their 1401 and other fragile products they sold and shipped.

From those humble beginnings, Sealed Air has grown to annual sales of around $4 billion, with a net profit of around $255 million. About 10 percent of its revenue comes from Bubble Wrap, so around $400 million worth of Bubble Wrap is sold annually.
Here's an interesting article about bubble wrap

Bubble Wrap Was Originally Supposed to be Wallpaper
199 Share submit to reddit
Daven Hiskey
filed under: History, technology
Image credit:

Bubble Wrap's original purpose was far from what we use the product for today.

In 1957, engineer Al Fielding and Swiss inventor Marc Chavannes were trying to create a textured wallpaper. To do so, they sealed two shower curtains together in such a way that air bubbles were captured, giving the wallpaper a textured appearance.

But the wallpaper idea didn’t sell too well.

Undeterred, Fielding and Chanvannes decided to market their invention as greenhouse insulation. Though the material did offer somewhat of an insulating effect, this idea didn’t pan out popularly, either.

It wasn't until three years after the origination of their invention that Frederick W. Bowers, a marketer at Sealed Air, which made the product, finally came up with the perfect use for it. On October 5, 1959, IBM had announced their new 1401 variable word length computer. Bowers got the idea that Bubble Wrap could be used as a good packaging material to protect the computer while it was being shipped. He pitched the idea to IBM and demonstrated Bubble Wrap’s protective abilities. His demonstration went over well, and IBM began purchasing Bubble Wrap to protect their 1401 and other fragile products they sold and shipped.

From those humble beginnings, Sealed Air has grown to annual sales of around $4 billion, with a net profit of around $255 million. About 10 percent of its revenue comes from Bubble Wrap, so around $400 million worth of Bubble Wrap is sold annually.

I would had loved that as a wallpaper as a kid! POP, POP, POP! :lol:
I read somewhere that it makes good insulation on your windows during the winter. Just spritz the window with water and place the bubble wrap. I never did try it though I should have.
Correct me if I am wrong; but I got the impression somewhere that the rolls it comes on for the new method are smaller because it does not have air in it yet. They are filled by the machine as it comes off the roll. This could save space for the companies using it for packing.
You can get foil faced bubble wrap at home depot that does have some r value.
I had bright idea putting my shoe did' work all popped