Bruce Jenner Is 'Transitioning into a Woman,' Source Confirms to PEOPLE

If it's going to make him happy why not. I met him when he was training at San Jose City College back when I was in high school when he and his first wife lived in the same apartment as one of my brother in laws friend and my brother in law and I thought there was something different about him at the time. He was driven in his pursuit of the gold medal though.
If he wants to become a woman, that's his life and business. Has no impact on me but it could help raise awareness the suffering those who feel the same as he does...hiding or denying an identity all because of society's views.
If he wants to become a woman, that's his life and business. Has no impact on me but it could help raise awareness the suffering those who feel the same as he does...hiding or denying an identity all because of society's views.

I don't think society had anything to do with it for Jenner, it was likely more about family and perhaps cashing in to milk it for all it's worth.

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