I can understand the cultural differences. There are cultures where women still breastfeed up to the age of 5/6 years old. In America, wee babies are encouraged to be independent at infancy. The LLLI, La Leche League International, encourages breastfeeding. source - LLLI | The Cultural Art of Breastfeeding I wish the youtube video was subtitled so we could get all the full information. There are social implications to older breastfeeding. How would a young teenager be received by her peers if she's still attached to her mother?
Yes, that´s right.
Did you know the history of China´s last emperor Pu Yi ? He sucked nurse´s breast for long years until his teenage time then his service separated her from him... He cried for her.... it seem to me that he addicted on her breast... ? I would recommend you to rent DVD to watch it... It´s very good movie.
Well, accord doctors, the vitamins in mother milk continue up to 6 months... it could be okay up to 12 months, not more. I was breastfed to my son for 9 long months.
Accord video, 8 years old? I know it´s not first time but many mothers like her to give their children like that... I personally disagree on this because the children will never learn to stand their own feet if their mother continue to breastfed them... Up one year is good enough. IMO.
12 months is the very minimum recommended. 2 years is recommended as the minimum by the World Health Orginization. Extended breastfeeding leads to higher IQ's and lower rates of all illnesses, including cancer for mom and child. To say 6 months is enough is uneducated and misinformed. Everyday that a child has breastmilk is one better. Why should we give out children cow breastmilk instead of human milk? Human milk is the best for humans, cow milk is best for cows. Breastmilk never runs vitamins, especially at 6 months. That is just a false statement.
I had a bad experience with the LLLI when I had my first daughter. I was struggling to breastfeed her and they told me that I was trying hard enough so I ended all contact with them after that.
12 months is the very minimum recommended. 2 years is recommended as the minimum by the World Health Orginization. Extended breastfeeding leads to higher IQ's and lower rates of all illnesses, including cancer for mom and child. To say 6 months is enough is uneducated and misinformed. Everyday that a child has breastmilk is one better. Why should we give out children cow breastmilk instead of human milk? Human milk is the best for humans, cow milk is best for cows. Breastmilk never runs vitamins, especially at 6 months. That is just a false statement.
I got sick with a heart condition after 3 months of breastfeeding my son in which I was put at risk for strokes so I had to take heart meds forcing me to stop breastfeeding him. I had to give him formula..no choice there.
My brothers and I were never breastfed and both of my brothers and I are very intelligent and healthy.![]()
This UK woman still breastfeeds her 8 year-old daughter ... Do you find that disturbing?
YouTube - Breastfeeding...at 8.
Especially since they like to draw what they look like ...
Ugh. That's no help.
I think breast feeding may be the best thing for baby, but I don't think a person should be shamed into nursing or whatever. My sister bottle fed both her children. She couldn't supply enough milk for her son, so he was bottle fed and supplemented with rice from 1 mos of age. She also couldn't nurse her daughter due to a diagnosed metabolic disorder at six days old. She bottle fed my niece with a special formula from then on.
My mom cant stand the LLLI organization cuz in her experience they pressure women to breastfeed their children and if they dont, they treat them with disain.
There are very few children that breastfeeding wouldn't be best for. Of course in those cases, formula is best. In every other case breast is best for kids. Often women do not see the benefits, and therefore don't do it. I think that our society needs to become more breastfeeding friendly, and it will help with some of our biggest health issues (childhood obesity and over prescribing of antibiotics for example). How often are women in public places told they need to nurse in the bathroom or leave a resturant for breastfeeding? It is outrageous. Those mothers are doing what is best for their children and they are being punished.
I agree that society needs to be more breastfeeding friendly because it is the women's rights to feed their children without the the hassle.
If there are some women who dont want to do it, it is none of my business but I would encourage every women to try and if they arent comfortable with it, cant force it on them which was how my mom felt from the LLLI organization.
I don't like the whole "It wasn't right for our family so I didn't try" line. It is best for your baby, so do it. You are the parent, suck it up and do the work for the best for your child.
My experience was that my daughter was too sick to learn to nurse. She was unable to latch on, ever. I pumped everyday, 8 times a day for 14 months so she could have my breastmilk. I had the cons of bottle feeding and nursing! I had to spend 15-20 minutes every 3 hours pumping and then feed the baby! It sucked, but it was best for my child so I did it. I think women who conciously choose not to breastfeed should feel guilty, they are depriving their child of something important.[/QUOTE]
I gather that you believe all babies should be breastfed?
There are very few children that breastfeeding wouldn't be best for. Of course in those cases, formula is best. In every other case breast is best for kids. Often women do not see the benefits, and therefore don't do it. I think that our society needs to become more breastfeeding friendly, and it will help with some of our biggest health issues (childhood obesity and over prescribing of antibiotics for example). How often are women in public places told they need to nurse in the bathroom or leave a resturant for breastfeeding? It is outrageous. Those mothers are doing what is best for their children and they are being punished.
I don't like the whole "It wasn't right for our family so I didn't try" line. It is best for your baby, so do it. You are the parent, suck it up and do the work for the best for your child.
My experience was that my daughter was too sick to learn to nurse. She was unable to latch on, ever. I pumped everyday, 8 times a day for 14 months so she could have my breastmilk. I had the cons of bottle feeding and nursing! I had to spend 15-20 minutes every 3 hours pumping and then feed the baby! It sucked, but it was best for my child so I did it. I think women who conciously choose not to breastfeed should feel guilty, they are depriving their child of something important.[/QUOTE]
I gather that you believe all babies should be breastfed?
Except when it is physically impossible (which is exceedingly rare) or when the child or mother's health would make it a bad idea. For example, my best friend is severly mentally ill. She is able to wean off her meds when she is pregnant (because the hormones stablize her brain chemistry) but as soon as she gives birth she cracks and has to go back on meds. She has never been able to nurse because of the medication. She shouldn't feel guilty, she tries everytime, but she has a medical reason that she can't.