Thank you Levonian, that was much more like your usual articulate, good sense posts.

Thank you for clarifying what you really mean.

Maybe I held your words to high expectations because you usually post so eloquently, and with fascinating insights. You can see why the emotive issues in this for me, made me want to clear up true meaning yeah? Thank you.
I haven't actually seen Survivor at all. So I'm not sure about the people you mention, or the conversations it may have generated among those that have followed the show (It does screen here, but much later than it airs in the US, and I don't follow it.)... but I think I can understand what you say about them, from your descriptions.
As for the hypothetical bald guy in the office, You're probably right that some women would giggle at him, particularly is he often semed to show much obnoxious behaviour. I don't think I would laugh, but that's a certain trait of my personality... If I'm with a group of people and they see a very overweight woman out walking up a sweat, for example, and she's maybe wearing tight lycra and is obviously exercising... if some of those watching laugh and say maybe "Oooh look at how fat she is, I wouldn't want to be seen wearing something that tight if I was that fat, look at her sweating so much and she's only walking!" You know the sort of things people can say. (things that would hurt the woman if she heard, not all people will say these things, but some don't think it matters if she might not hear it, or something)... I'm the one who'll say something like "Yeah, good on her for getting out there and making effort at getting fit, she looks like she's really enjoying it!" Now I know darned well that they were having laughs at her expense, but I will say something positive instead of joining in with pointless negative comments. People sure stop being catty then, right away! They seem to maybe become aware of how it makes them look as a person to insult others for fun, but it is not in a negative manner. People often tell me that they trust me more bc they know I sure won't laugh or gossip about them behind their backs. I feel better about myself to know I didn't add to the conversations negative tone but didn't just snap at them for being bitchy which makes people feel judged. I know quite a few people who are like me on this, or who will at least not say something cruel about it. So I don't think the whole office would laugh at a man's tupee, but you're right some would think he's fair game for making fun of, particularly if he's been mean before many times & is showing much conceit, though many people who show that much conceit are often trying to mask terrible insecurity and sensitiveity about themselves. They just make effort to improve outer, rather than inner as well, which might last longer than just enhancing aesthetics or career or posessions which people also use in the same way. They forget that it is whole person, not just parts that influence your overall feelings of self. I feel sad for seeing that in people... I so often really want to tell them they're still good and lovable no matter what. I beleive everyone in creation has some good, and can be loved & treated with certain human respects by someone in world... just not usually eveyone, yeah? I would try to think of a positive thing to say about this man, maybe that he chose a colour that suits him, or something, and that he seems be really trying to makes efforts to improve himself, so maybe he's realising that people percive him negatively (hey, awareness is the first step to figureing out the right changes to make, yeah?). Maybe he'll just continure to be unpleasant, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt... maybe he's actually feeling good about the tupee since he just bought it to wear to an interview for a new job somewhere else, following a dream he'd given up on after being passed over bc he's not conventionally attrative and he'd been feeling bitter and that's why he was hard to like personality, but now he's changing many things and has another chance... but the only thing people know has changed is the outer, and they don't know he is cocky bc he's secretly feeling better about many things or is trying to give an aire of confidence bc his overbearing mother tells him he comes across as indecisive and unsure of himself or something and he hasn't quite got the hang of learning what is taking it too far when trying to compensate for that... bc you don't ever really know 100% of someone's influences or their motives behind their behaviour and choices, I like to beleive there could maybe be more to it. That's why I probably wouldn't laugh at him myself, but I can see why some would.
javapride - Many don't like those prosthetic breast bra-inserts, bc they're very uncomfortable, and appearantly majority do get reconstructive surgery, according to info given to my aunt. She hates her prosthesis, it is uncomfortable and heavier than a real breast to wear, and rubs and moves and irritates her skin while wearing it. That's quite common. Also many get the surgery since the prosthesis has to come off when the bra does since that holds it in place, so no breast is there when naked, which is when many wish most that there was. Under clothes isn't such an issue, if the remaining breast isn't big. If it is, then yeah, something in there, a prosthesis, or implant, makes a big difference to how self consious the woman may feel in public. Also the surgery is govt funded in my country, and covered by health insurance in many other countries including the US I think? So because they don't have to save for it, many take the opportunity to get reconstruction.
Also a few people have mentioned the leaking implants, that's why they use saline now, since if it leaks it isn't harmful, and can just be replaced. Silicone was the thing that was dangerous when it leaked. It was also the one that went hard, not feeling natural, if it wasn't maintained right. They had to be massaged daily to keep them from going hard, and not everyone did it. That's why there were women with barbie style "missile tits", as Drew Barrymore once called them, that didn't sit realisticly. Those aren't meant to be done in most countries now. Saline looks and feels like real ones, supposedly. That is what my aunt has been offered.