Branson, Missouri is becoming "Deaf Friendly"


New Member
Jan 11, 2008
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Has anybody else heard of Signed Entertainment Enterprises (S.E.E.) and the work they've been doing to make Branson, Missouri the first deaf and hard of hearing friendly city, as far as tourist destinations go? My brother, Randy Boude, actually founded the company just a few months ago, but already he has gotten the support of nearly every corporation and deaf organization that he's spoken with. Just the fact that he has been out there pounding the pavement talking to all the theaters, restaurants, and shows there about making their establishments more deaf and hard of hearing friendly has caused even Branson's League of Theaters to sit up and take notice. Two or three establishments have already allowed themselves to be audited and have purchased TTYs and Face to Face communication devices, and several others have it in their first quarter budgets to do the same. The Deaf Welcome Center non profit organization is also nearly complete with Branson's first "Everyone is Welcome" center, which should have its grand opening at the end of this month.

Anyway, if word hadn't already gotten to you and your friends and relatives about what can only be described as "the movement" going on in Branson, I wanted to take this opportunity to spread the good news!

S.E.E.'s web site is S.E.E. - Signed Entertainment Enterprises . They have an awesome day trip planned for January 18th and 19th, too, that will include shows and meals at some of the establishments who are already deaf friendly.

Spread the news! Vegas is next!
It sounds great! How often do you plan to have deaf event during this year? I live a couple of hours from Branson so I would like to go there sometime this year.
Annually years, All year of seasons.... Deaf can go to entertainments in Branson. This August, we all will go to see Dolly Stampers Theate...other events and ofc we will camp out there, too!!!

I know we hold two sites for our deaf friends. Maybe three!
WOOHOO!! I have been to Branson but I always felt that my experience was usually limited due to poor communication.

Now that they are becoming deaf friendly I may try to find a way to save up some money and go up there sometime with a group if I can. Perhaps this might be the place to have an AD Caucus in the future???
Don't forget to remind us about the one in August when it gets closer, I want to try to go!
sounds like we may have a AD meetup in the works, if I have a new truck by then, have the money and still at my current job Im in for the August date.