Brainwashing camp for gay kids

Crazymanw00t said:
Sorry to say this. You are obviously that you haven't read whole Bible. It already said that the Bible is against Homosexual and it is very clear. God judges the Homosexual act as a sin.
The Bible says that God is Omnipresent, present in all places at all times. Consider the idea that instead of God being a separate entity that decides what's good and what's bad, what if God is really Omnipresent, in all things, the LIFE FORCE in all things. Then that would mean that God expressed as homosexual. Hmmm, it's a wonderful thing to have an open mind.
Oops, got off the thread. Isn't this camp story just another example of how extremely dangerous the evangelical beliefs are? They have no boundaries, anyone and anything is fair game. If you have a child who is gay, you as a parent need to make sure your child knows they are fine just the way they are, despite a society that is still so prejudiced and discriminatory against them. How could you knowingly cause so much pain to children?
PrincessTabu said:
Oops, got off the thread. Isn't this camp story just another example of how extremely dangerous the evangelical beliefs are? They have no boundaries, anyone and anything is fair game. If you have a child who is gay, you as a parent need to make sure your child knows they are fine just the way they are, despite a society that is still so prejudiced and discriminatory against them. How could you knowingly cause so much pain to children?

Because from what they have been taught through years of church teachings is that homosexuality is wrong. They believe they are doing the right thing to save their child's soul from damnation. Religion is the root of the problem.