Brain Function and Hearing Loss


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Aug 7, 2007
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Okay, I have some major issues to discuss regarding my hearing loss and would appreciate anyone with similar experiences or information to help me out as I have seen many different doctors and specialists (neurologists, ear-nose doctors, audiologists etc...) regarding this problem and have received no answers.

Basically at least once a day (sometimes up to 5 times a day) I undergo something like a brain fart. My brain just shuts down and although I am aware of my surroundings, I am unable to process anything and I hear unusual sounds in my mind that sounds like familiar music or songs or conversations or something (not talking to me so its not schizophrenia its more like recalling some familiar sounds). I also feel slightly dizzy so I have to put my head in my hands until it stops. This can take as long as 5 minutes or as little as 30 seconds. There is also different degrees (sometimes severe sometimes mild).

Its really hard to explain what I go through because I barely understand it myself, I can basically continue my motor activity (walk, move) but I cannot write or read normally or speak/sign or carry a conversation during this time. These episodes have occurred everyday for over a year.

I also have tinnitus, once a year ago I got a combination of a brain fart(as I like to call it) with tinnitus in my left ear that I remember just seemed to get worse and worse one time until I passed out this happened in a public place and I was out for a good 5 minutes with people saying I was twitching and I was rushed to hospital in an ambulance (this was not a simple fainting or anything like that, it was kind of my brain just giving out). It was also not a seizure as I had MRI's to cross that out.

I have talked to many Doctors and received a whole bunch of shoulder shrugs, my audiologist said that because I have to work so much harder to understand what people are saying sometimes my brain can slow down (sort of sounds like it but not entirely).

This has affected my daily life, can you imagine going to write a physics exam and having your brain completely shut down. I am also afraid to drive because what if it happens on the road I don't want to put other people at risk because of my screwed up brain. I am really frustrated because I have not received a clear answer on how to stop this or why they happen, I know some people might have had similar experiences and I would appreciate your thoughts on what exactly this is.
wow, I'm sorry to hear this.

When I wear my aids I have kind of a similar experience, but I know it's because my brain is tired listening to all the noise. If I've been wearing my HA all day I'm too freaking tired to have an in depth conversation, but things like reading comprehension are not effected. Also when I wear my aids I often get very dizzy, some sounds make my knees buckle and my head feel faint. I think this is because I went so long without HA and my brain no longer finds certain noises familiar.

What you are describing sounds horrible though. Are you sure it's related to your hearing loss? Have you had any other tests besides an MRI done?
Did you go to your family doctor and describe to him your problem so that he can refer you to a more specific specialist?

I am sure there has to be an answer somewhere, so don't give up. Sometimes the first coulpe of specialists don't know anything about it.

You should also keep a log on what happens to you, so that you can refer on that to any specialists you meet.

Have you tried maybe cutting out some time out of your daily routines if at all possible to help your brain relax until you search for an answer?

Enlist another family member to help you search for answers.
From the way you describe it, it sounds as if you might be expereincing transient ischemic attacks.

I got the same thing when I went off Paxil that I took from 99-2001!
(it took years to figure it out, but what your describing you can share with the board at the Hyperacusis Network).

Of course, having the flu shot in 1996 didn't do me so well either, I felt REALLY sick after (crazy headaches), and I got a triple vaccine that year too, who thought it would of bothered me, the doctor gave me all this!

One thing though that REALLY does help with the tinnitus, which those with hyperacusis all eventually get is buying a very simple white noise machine.

Those are the machines you buy at Zellers, Sears, Drugstores or Airports that have 9 little buttons that play different noises - like riverbrook, stream, waterfall, thunder, songbirds, heartbeat, oceanwaves, white noise, etc......

The thing is................I saw ENT's for about a decade, and not ONE mentioned I could buy this just for $38 bucks. Some you get with radios even! WHY? They don't make money off it!

Joining the Hyperacusis Network is your best bet!

And if you want to feel better, I highly recommend you to read this article at:

Make Your Own Chinese Health Tonic with Garlic & Vinegar | Toronto Canada alternative health natural medicine green living (probably will not help you)

but this may:

The Magic Juices: Goji, Mangosteen, Acai, and Noni - Community

(or if you can't get in, join for free at Healthy Natural Cures for illness and diseases with alternative medicine).

{For others who disagree and think I'am a snake, you do NOT know this experience of what this person feels, so zip it}

I'am hard of hearing almost deaf myself, had EXTREMELY sensitive hearing from 1996-2006, for SOME people they are affected by the flu shot for 10 years. (This is from people commenting on their experience)! I've had tinnitus that comes and goes, I've had 24/7 spinning sensations and nauseous and complicated thoughts on just the left side of my body, ALL WHICH HAPPENED AFTER I STOPPED TAKING PAXIL!

You could also have a gluten sensitivity since you were younger, maybe a drug you took interferred with this particular body chemistry and made it stronger, and you possibly got "gluten ataxia".


It could be a number of things, not just a drug or a flu shot! In 1996 I was in a car for 10 minutes with super-wolf loud speakers behind me with my brand new 2nd hearing aid in my ear, my boyfriend's friend turned up the radio, I tried to join the conversation - eventually turned OFF my hearing aids, and kind of plugged my ears. (The car-ride to the cottage was only 10 minutes, how could it hurt me).
That was around the very same time I had the flu shot, and crazy weird headaches! I ended up with migraines daily for 5 years!, stopped when I tried out this new hearing aid!????

But another hearing aid I tried about floored me with migraine pain for days!

Everyone with sensitive hearing (which SOME hoh/deaf people get) or tinnitus, has it for various different reasons.

It will go away, it'll just take time. How, I don't know, but some on the Hyperacusis Board (Hyperacusis Network > Home) join Message Board for free, are old members, I don't visit there too much, but occasionally!

Vitally important you get that white noise machine with 9 different sounds, play the sounds that relax you, or at least stable you a bit around other noises, because it will. It may also clear out your ear energy-wise, or help move some problems in your TMJ cavity which is just below the eardrum!
That was my experience with it, but may not be yours, but it WILL relax you in some degree!

How do I know? Physics 101, ask ANY Physics Professor, everything is a frequency and everything is sound, sound has the power to change molecular structures of the if you don't hear even a sound can still possibly cause an ulcer (and from stress).

Again, it's all about the connection of the facial nerves, I have all the research on my very old square disks, which I can't use on this new computer, and they MAY be in the old files of the Hyperacusis Network, my user name on that board is Leah!

And if you don't find any of that, Lyn or Liam are also old members who you'll see writing occassionally!

So like many of us, if a social agency at a HOH/Deaf Non-profit agency labells you with a label, and suggests a drug to ease off the stress, DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM, IT WILL CAUSE YOU MORE DAMAGE.!
I've been through it, I know EXACTLY what I'am talking about!

If you can afford it, see a Naturopathic Doctor, and of course keep your family doctor, if you can't afford it, a naturopathic school will have an application to fill out for your inability to pay because of your situation.

What else can I mention? OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........

A Neti-pot MAY help! It's the little tea kettle that yoga practitioners and people use to clear their sinuses, but it helps with breathing and an inability to handle air pressure, which causes light-headness, dizziness, etc., and it's only $24-$25.00 at health stores. (just read about that a few days ago):

Neti pot for sinus health
Information on the neti pot and how it can benefit your health.
Neti pot for sinus health

And also: don't expect any audiologist's, ENT's or the Deaf Agencies or doctors to help you, I went through ALL of them for 10 years, with not one single ounce of help! However, some Audiologist's may know about recruitment, which for someone like you, is very much like hyperacusis, maybe worse! Again, if they don't experience the situation, they just do not get it!

And, if you do get a horrible migrane or crazy weird headache lasting for days or weeks, go horseback riding, just simple plain horseback, when you get off you''ll feel MUCH BETTER, farm vets even know about that old secret!

And if you do have the MRI, make sure you got GOOD earplugs, and have the quietest MRI any hospital in your city has, go up and listen to the room with someone having an MRI done, I've done that, and they will push the button so you can hear what it sounds like! And don't expect the MRI technician to be sympathetic to your situation, many on the hyperacusis board have been killed by the experience of the noise!

Again, you may not have this situation, but I know that without my one hearing aid I get dizzy as hell, I can't possibly wear two because I can't tolerate all the noise, and don't know which noises are coming from wear, and get really disoriented! And when I have to keep turning down the volumne constantly (which all started in 1996 / NEVER DID THAT BEFORE 1996) - and my hearing didn't change!, I get dizzy, disoriented, and sick!
Could of been Paxil, or/and the flu shot or/and the loud noise from that 10 minute car ride!

I can't pinpoint it down to one thing, I just know I'am now seeing a doctor who's hippocratic oath is to do no harm, and will help me to stay healthy, and of course keeping my usual family doctor too!
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It's NOT medical advise, I know the situation..........I HAVE BEEN THERE, i HAVE DONE THE RESEARCH, I have shared this with doctors who aren't taught about many things in school.

Medical Advise is NOT just the typical Western Medicine world, people have a choice to be informed of information that may help them without hurting them.

So zip it!
It's NOT medical advise, I know the situation..........I HAVE BEEN THERE, i HAVE DONE THE RESEARCH, I have shared this with doctors who aren't taught about many things in school.

Medical Advise is NOT just the typical Western Medicine world, people have a choice to be informed of information that may help them without hurting them.

So zip it!

So far, you've told people that mental illness is a creation of the psychiatrists and in their own mind, and that the label is not true. Then you have advised people against taking antibiotics, and that could create a very dangerous situations for many, many people. Not to mention being responsible for outbreaks of illnesses that could easily be controlled. Then you recommended drinking unpasteurized milk, which can be responsible for another fatal disease, as well as untold infectious diseases.

Yes, there are alternative medicines, and anyone who is interested can easily find that information. However, alternative medicine has been proven to work in conjunction with Westernized medicine.

For people with pre-existing health conditions someof the things you have been recommending could result in their death. And yes, they have the right to know......not just what you recommend, but the dangers in what you recommend, as well. So, thank you, but I will not zip it.