Brain differences in political orientation

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Okay, I have tried to be nice and have requested over and over that we not turn this into a religious discussion. I have even offered an alternative that would allow a religious component to be considered withing the scientific discussion of brain differences. However, it would appear that some are just not satisfied unless they compeltely hijack a thread with their religious references. If you want to preach, find a pulpit. If you want to teach the study of religious text, then find a classroom. If you want to witness, find a street corner and pass out pamplets. AD is not the appropriate place for it.

The next post that shows up with a religious reference will be reported, not for its religious content, but for the trolling behavior of the poster.
Nope. Are you trying to turn my thread about brain differences into a religious symposium per SWK and Reba?

Enjoy your Sunday anyway you choose. I don't think anyone has ever denied your right to.

All I did was post a version of the Bible for people to understand. I have been busy deflecting negative remarks ever since.

Back to the topic...I am proud to say I use both sides of my brain. Most people do, in varying amounts. I am one of the most logical people you will ever meet, but I refuse to ignore half of my brain. If that makes me a moderate, then I am embracing that, if I must be placed in a category. I have been telling people that very thing for years. Now there is proof. :wave:
Okay, I have tried to be nice and have requested over and over that we not turn this into a religious discussion. I have even offered an alternative that would allow a religious component to be considered withing the scientific discussion of brain differences. However, it would appear that some are just not satisfied unless they compeltely hijack a thread with their religious references. If you want to preach, find a pulpit. If you want to teach the study of religious text, then find a classroom. If you want to witness, find a street corner and pass out pamplets. AD is not the appropriate place for it.

The next post that shows up with a religious reference will be reported, not for its religious content, but for the trolling behavior of the poster.

Use me.
Okay, I have tried to be nice and have requested over and over that we not turn this into a religious discussion. I have even offered an alternative that would allow a religious component to be considered withing the scientific discussion of brain differences. However, it would appear that some are just not satisfied unless they compeltely hijack a thread with their religious references. If you want to preach, find a pulpit. If you want to teach the study of religious text, then find a classroom. If you want to witness, find a street corner and pass out pamplets. AD is not the appropriate place for it.

The next post that shows up with a religious reference will be reported, not for its religious content, but for the trolling behavior of the poster.

Washing in the blood of the lamb! :dance2:
i used to support the death penalty until I asked myself the following questions:
why do I support death penalty for Jeffery Dalamer but not Ted Bundy?
Ted's crimes were as brutal as Jeffery's crimes so it occurred to me that my choices were perhaps a bit arbitrary.

Then there were the mass murders in Norway and while discussing it, I learned states with no death penalty have lower crimes and I did some research and found out that there were statistics that could support one poster's position that nations with no death penalty have lower crimes.

WHo was the poster? Me?
All I did was post a version of the Bible for people to understand. I have been busy deflecting negative remarks ever since.

Back to the topic...I am proud to say I use both sides of my brain. Most people do, in varying amounts. I am one of the most logical people you will ever meet, but I refuse to ignore half of my brain. If that makes me a moderate, then I am embracing that, if I must be placed in a category. I have been telling people that very thing for years. Now there is proof. :wave:

Everyone uses both sides of their brain. Some areas are used more than others for some people. That is the individual difference in structure that can be supported through fMRI.

This isn't about ignoring 1/2 of your brain. Even people who have had a "splint brain" surgery continue to use both hemispheres.

Plasticity is a life long phenomena. Even with traumatic brain injury or stroke the brain can be trained to make compensations and will allocate different areas to processing and controlling function so that the whole brain is being used. It is just a simple fact that some are used to a greater extent that others. In the case of the OP, it governs a generalized way of thinking and perceiving the world. That isn't to say that they don't use their whole brain. It describes a predisposition to processing stimuli with a specific type of cognition.
Good job. Mocking is not only allowed, it will make you quite popular!

Mocking? Dude, take a chill pill. You are being defensive when I was only making a silly joke. Sheesh.
Good job. Mocking is not only allowed, it will make you quite popular!

Black and white evidence for the emotionally oriented responding that is indicative of greater volume in the amygdala.

Suspected through behavioral obsevation, confirmed through fMRI.
Black and white evidence for the emotionally oriented responding that is indicative of greater volume in the amygdala.

Suspected through behavioral obsevation, confirmed through fMRI.

And the reverse? I'm afraid I've forgotten some of what you said earlier and I'm not nearly as knowledgeable about this as you.
And the reverse? I'm afraid I've forgotten some of what you said earlier and I'm not nearly as knowledgeable about this as you.

Yes, and the reverse as well. Greater volume in the Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Can be seen from behavioral observation and confirmed through fMRI.

Just like with, for instance, a stroke victim. It can be determined with a great degree of accuracy which areas of the brain have been affected by observing the behavior of the patient. It is then confirmed by fMRI. Or in schizophrenia; from the behaviors we know which areas of the brain are not functioning properly. fMRI confirms the structural differences.
Yes, and the reverse as well. Greater volume in the Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Can be seen from behavioral observation and confirmed through fMRI.

Just like with, for instance, a stroke victim. It can be determined with a great degree of accuracy which area of the brain have been affected by observing the behavior of the patient. It is then confirmed by fMRI. Or in schizophrenia; from the behaviors we know which areas of the brain are not functioning properly. fMRI confirms the structural differences.

:ty: i think i will have munch on this for a while.
:ty: i think i will have munch on this for a while.

Munch away. Neuropsychology is a very detailed and complicated topic, as is anything to do with an organ as complex as the human brain. I still read research that I have to munch on for awhile.:P
Anytime someone prefaces a statement with "This is not directed at you personally, it is obvious that it most certainly is.:cool2:

I lost family members in the Holocaust. And I find it offensive that you would pull the Holocaust out of your butt in nothing more than an attempt to bring an emotional component into a debate. That is low, indeed. To compare abortion to the Holocaust is fallicious. Abortion is a choice. Being gassed and burned in an oven is not. How dare you. Only from a white privileged male would you hear such a thing.
You are quite right. Enough said. Anything else you say from this point forward will only serve to further show what a despicable, insensitive, conservative agenda pushing low life you are.

Not directed at you, personally, by the way.

I'm sorry to say that you are wrong jillio. I know that you probably don't have it within you to admit it but you really don't know me. While I might have some ideas and beliefs that you don't agree with you still don't know my motives. I am an honest and sincere person and that is why I addressed the response the way I did. Sorry you took it personally. And although I do consider myself a "white privileged male" (I'd prefer to call blessed) this comment has nothing to do with me alone. It is a ideal or belief that a lot of folks like me would agree with. They don't find it offensive and I'm sure that most Jews would not find it that way either. You see, I support the Jews and Israel. I am pushing no agenda here. Only inviting others who desire to take up a lifestyle of blessing, honor and freedom. It is their choice and I won't continue to talk about it much since you find it offensive. I will talk privately about it or when it is initiated by another or even yourself. I have found a few like minded friends on AD and I'm quite sure that I'll find a few more in time. I venture into others forum threads and topics too and enjoy them. Good night!
I'm sorry to say that you are wrong jillio. I know that you probably don't have it within you to admit it but you really don't know me. While I might have some ideas and beliefs that you don't agree with you still don't know my motives. I am an honest and sincere person and that is why I addressed the response the way I did. Sorry you took it personally. And although I do consider myself a "white privileged male" (I'd prefer to call blessed) this comment has nothing to do with me alone. It is a ideal or belief that a lot of folks like me would agree with. They don't find it offensive and I'm sure that most Jews would not find it that way either. You see, I support the Jews and Israel. I am pushing no agenda here. Only inviting others who desire to take up a lifestyle of blessing, honor and freedom. It is their choice and I won't continue to talk about it much since you find it offensive. I will talk privately about it or when it is initiated by another or even yourself. I have found a few like minded friends on AD and I'm quite sure that I'll find a few more in time. I venture into others forum threads and topics too and enjoy them. Good night!

Methinks the man doth protesteth too much.:cool2: Quite obviously, you have no idea what the Jewish think. Folks like you are also functioning under the concept of white privilege.

If you want to invite others to join your campaign, I suggest that you start your own site to do your preaching. Hijacking AD for that purpose is not acceptable.
Methinks the man doth protesteth too much.:cool2: Quite obviously, you have no idea what the Jewish think. Folks like you are also functioning under the concept of white privilege.

If you want to invite others to join your campaign, I suggest that you start your own site to do your preaching. Hijacking AD for that purpose is not acceptable.

Like I said jillio. I would consider myself blessed. Privileged, no. I have hijacked nothing. A Christian white middle class male is nothing like the KKK. More like becoming the minority.
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