Bracelet identifying child as Deaf?

I would put bracelet on my child if it came with a GPS tracking device.

I grew up without a bracelet identifying me as Deaf and I was fine. Same with my brother. I think hearing people will survive after feeling stupid for not realizing the child is deaf after trying to talk to them.

It's not like you can tell he's Deaf by looking at him, so a typical hearing person would not immediately think non-responsiveness equals deafness. And it's not as though he would just sit there and ignore them, either. He'd likely make eye contact when he sees they're trying to talk, or he would respond to their gestures (like pointing to a chair while asking him if he would like to sit down; he'd probably respond by sitting down) so it's even less likely that a hearing person would think, "He can't hear me. He must be Deaf."
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I would put a contact phone number on any child's bracelet. Or anyone's bracelet, for that matter.