Boy trouble


New Member
Jul 6, 2014
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How do you get over a boy that you love, but you can clearly see he doesn't want to be with you, but you can't stop thinking about him ???
You're 15....there will be plenty more boys.
You're 15....there will be plenty more boys.

That is not what she is asking .

leegrace , I guess you should try to stay busy and hang out with some friends that do not know the boy . Do you have any pets like a dog that need to be walked or play ball with ? Maybe someone closer to your age will have some ideas.
Ya I have a dog, but it hurts me not talking to him everyday

I bet your dog will not mind you talking to him all the time. Sorry , I could not resist saying that. Then you need to find something to keep your mind busy. It will take a little time to get over him but it was not meant to be.
I know this can be harder when you're younger , have to talk to your mom or do have a sister to talk to?
But I feel like he's the one

How can you be sure? You need to meet lots of people and see what they're like and realize what it's like to live with and love other people before you'll know what it's really like out there. You can make the right decision then.

I thought I met 'the one' when I was 21. 12 years later I realized I hadn't.
How can you be sure? You need to meet lots of people and see what they're like and realize what it's like to live with and love other people before you'll know what it's really like out there. You can make the right decision then.

I thought I met 'the one' when I was 21. 12 years later I realized I hadn't.

Your right but I'm just having a hard time forgetting about him
Your right but I'm just having a hard time forgetting about him

I still remember someone from when I was 15 (34 now). You can't dwell on it, or get hung up, wasting your time on someone who doesn't like you back. That's something for the movies only.

When someone is right for you, and likes you back, they'll be interested in you back, and things will start happening so quickly because you'll both be crazy about each other and trying to spend as much time together.

I've gone on a lot of dates on the last six months, met a lot of girls, and the ones who I've spent any real time with are the ones who liked me back and started making an effort to hang out with me almost immediately. Everyone else is just trying to be nice and spare your feelings that they don't like you - don't mistake this kindness for actual interest.

Don't get disheartened, there's a lot of people out there, meet as many of them as you can, don't be in a rush to get into a relationship or get married, no matter how right you think it feels. Take your time and learn about the world.
I remember those days. Only time will help. I am 42 years old and I still think of the guy whom I fell hard for after my divorce while as a Gallaudet student 12 years ago. Sometimes when we are hit hard with feelings for someone, it takes a while to get over that person. I have moved on and married a wonderful man and have a great life.
Oh my!...Teenage love...and the blues!....I've had my share....would not want to go back to it...ever!...Truely, not much anyone can do to make you feel better...only time will do that.....Cry,,,put on some sad lots of ur friends and bitch about it all....
You need to do something healthy to keep you busy. It looks like you have way too much free time. Take some classes, learn a new hobby, work, exercise, volunteer at a shelter, animal shelter etc. All three of my kids do something productive over the summers. Even now as my oldest is writing her thesis she is taking French classes. Stay busy, don't depend on boys to make you happy.

I'm kind of thinking I might be wasting my time here, anyone else? Why does a young, apparently healthy hearing girl come to a deaf site for advice. Maybe she can answer this for me?
Well, I can understand it's tough to lose your first love... it happens. We all have to learn to move on. Some people still married to their first love way back from school years.

Relationships takes two to tango, and sometime it doesn't work that way and have to part ways to find someone else. It's part of life and it does go on. :)
I understand that is not what she was asking, first off... However, I also understand what Angel was shooting for.

Every single 15 year old thinks "they're the one." She's 15... Hormones... all that messed up running around rampaging 15 year old stuff... confusion. If it is clear that he does not want to be with you, it is clear that he is not the one... that should be enough to help you start the moving on process.

Go out and do things you enjoy and spend time with friends... Angel is right, there will be many other boys.

It is clear to me you have many other issues other than boy trouble...
15 yrs old and 25 years in 10 yrs is huge changes in your life.. so dont worry, start with hobby and do something you enjoy that you will forget them.
Keep your options open. If someone asks you to the prom or on a date, consider going with that person.

No matter how you may feel, it's no fun being with someone who doesn't want to be with you.

Unfortunately, this isn't something that you can learn from someone. It's something you are going to have to find out for yourself.

Good luck.
It's not easy for teenage in love. Gain experience and you should able to handle better in adulthood.
I thought my bf was the one we been together for 4 years and he dump me but I found a new bf so

- I love zombie -
I bet your dog will not mind you talking to him all the time. Sorry , I could not resist saying that. Then you need to find something to keep your mind busy. It will take a little time to get over him but it was not meant to be.

I know this can be harder when you're younger , have to talk to your mom or do have a sister to talk to?

I don't have a sister or a mother she died in a car accident

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