This just pissed me off about some Judges... I have been in a situation with my ex in the past.
I begged the judge to not allow my children to have unsupervised visitation with my ex. I wanted some kind of supervised visitation. Due to our divorce was based on him physically abusing me. (the judge knew that)
The judge granted my ex visitations. I cried and cried, and told my attorney. The judge just views me as a bitter ex wife, and I told my attorney that the judge will regret his decision.
I followed the court order.. and allowed my ex to have visitation.(two weeks for vacation, out of state) Two days later... I get a call. My child calling me... telling me that the cops are there. (due to D.V. with his current girlfriend) So I told my child, I will call the cops back to find out what is going on.. At first the officer would not tell me anything. Then Told the officer.. I have custody of those kids!! They are just on visitation by court order. That is when he took action.
That is when the cops said, they did a welfare check due to a complaint, and the Social services will be called. I gave them all my info.
It was not even 5 minutes before I got another call. The County Sheriffs dept calling me back, telling me that Social services is picking up my kids. Due to the incident and the situation of where my kids were staying. The cops was trying to shame me for allowing my kids to go there. I got pissed off and told the cop he needs to tell the judge that granted the visitation. NOT ME! Then a few minutes later the Social Services calls me and tells me they are removing my kids from his home due to the D.V. and deplorable conditions of the home. I was like WTF! I was shaking and crying so hard. I could only think. My babies!! What are they going through! I never though I could be so sick on a trip.. That was the longest 8 hour trip, I ever had in my life!
Anyhoo. My current hubby drove me 8 hours to pick my kids up from the soical services. The supervisor was awesome. She stayed in the office til 3 am ... I cried and cried even more! when I saw them on the floor, sleeping on day care mats, in the office of Dept of children s and families.
I received the reports. and my attorney sent them to the judge. My ex lost visitations. If he wants to see the kids he has to come to the county we live in and have supervised visitation. Should have seen the look on the judges face and ex hubby's attorney's face.
My Ex since has not attempt to contact the kids. I as well had made no effort to contact him.