Boy Banned From Pitching Cuz He's "Too Good"


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
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NEW HAVEN, Conn. – Nine-year-old Jericho Scott is a good baseball player — too good, it turns out.

The right-hander has a fastball that tops out at about 40 mph. He throws so hard that the Youth Baseball League of New Haven told his coach that the boy could not pitch any more. When Jericho took the mound anyway last week, the opposing team forfeited the game, packed its gear and left, his coach said.

Officials for the three-year-old league, which has eight teams and about 100 players, said they will disband Jericho's team, redistributing its players among other squads, and offered to refund $50 sign-up fees to anyone who asks for it. They say Jericho's coach, Wilfred Vidro, has resigned.

But Vidro says he didn't quit and the team refuses to disband. Players and parents held a protest at the league's field on Saturday urging the league to let Jericho pitch.

"He's never hurt any one," Vidro said. "He's on target all the time. How can you punish a kid for being too good?"

The controversy bothers Jericho, who says he misses pitching.
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9-year-old boy told he's too good to pitch - Yahoo! News
This story reminds me of one guy who lied about his age in order to be able to play in little league. Could be this guy is older than what he appear to be?
This story reminds me of one guy who lied about his age in order to be able to play in little league. Could be this guy is older than what he appear to be?
Something like that already happened... in the major leagues. ;)
If he is too good. Then he can jump in MLB after finish high school. If he keep his talent in level.
This story reminds me of one guy who lied about his age in order to be able to play in little league. Could be this guy is older than what he appear to be?

Yeah, Danny Almonte in the little league WS few years back. and yes, the incorrect birth certificate of Miguel Tejada of Astros which ESPN did investigation of and tried to ask directly in interview if it was a lie in order for him to get a longer contract at higher pay. He wouldn't have got such a deal if he was years older as it is believed. I remmy tejada got so ticked off in that interview he got up and walked out on interview cussing at them.