Botts! Your late! Get in here!!

:dance2: Happy Birthday, Botti!

(I wrote it big, just for you!)
Happy birthday Bott: today you get the first piece of birthday cake.
Cheers Bill sksksk
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Happy birthday - again - that's double wishes lol
Happy Birthday to you, Botti. I am soooo happy that you got many AD members with the greeting birthday wishes. So be happy.

I am so glad I found out when I look at your profile post about one person greeting you for your birthday and it turn out that your birthday was yesterday. Please don't be left out like Jillio and I want you and Jillio be part of the family here. I will try to remember your birthday next year. Whooo! Whoooo! Whew, that is really cool. :dance2:
Happy Birthday to you, Botti. I am soooo happy that you got many AD members with the greeting birthday wishes. So be happy.

I am so glad I found out when I look at your profile post about one person greeting you for your birthday and it turn out that your birthday was yesterday. Please don't be left out like Jillio and I want you and Jillio be part of the family here. I will try to remember your birthday next year. Whooo! Whoooo! Whew, that is really cool. :dance2:

Thanks. :) I have had a lovely day with all the birthday wishes coming in today.
Oops a little late, but always happy to see someone's bday in Nov. Especially if I think they are cool. :)

Hope you had a great birthday!
Oops my bad I didn't notice this! Happy birthday botti and hope it was a great one!!

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