Can you let us know the link(s) to the said ebook and essay? That'd be helpful.The e-book I was talking about is about my talents and skills and why can't employers hire me. I think that book has generated controversy. So was the essay. I do not need to name them because its easy for you to find my e-book.
Can you let us know the link(s) to the said ebook and essay? That'd be helpful.
don't read into it more than is there, a simple " you mean -meant " most people are not sensitive to the distinction, or least in past, now days good griefIt's very obvious that Illusionist is an easier career for a deaf man since illusionists rely on people not noticing what they are doing while they put on a distraction with their voice or with a presentation elsewhere (away from the hand that is hiding the other object). A deaf man can also begin to notice how an illusionisy is completing his illusions during the show, creating interest in the deaf man to become an illusionist himself because he feels intelligent that he was able to notice the performer's hidden actions easily.
However, if you meant "magician" instead of "illusionist", that is bigoted yet again, to claim that " more deaf people then you think are a magician". Deaf Is Not A Personality. It is extremely obvious that any deaf human being can be a member of or a believer in absolutely any religion that they want to be in or were brainwashed into, and there is absolutely nothing whatsoever about a deaf man being a witch\magicians\wizard, a priest in Voudon, an Orthodox Xtian, a shaman, an Azraelite, a Rastafarian, or any other religion.
Both books called : Life after Deaf by Noel Holsten and Life after Deaf by Monique WilliamsonFor Hearing People Only: by Matthew S. Moore & Linda Levitan
On the Fence: by Mark Drolsbaugh
Journey Into a Deaf World: by Harlan Lane, Robert Hoffmeister and Ben Bahan
Train Go Sorry, Inside a Deaf World: by Leah Hager Cohen
Deaf in America, Voices from a culture: by Carol A Padden & Tom Humphreys
Seeing Voices: by Oliver Sacks
Learning to See, teaching ASL as a 2nd language: by Sherman Wilcox, Phyllis Perrin Wilcox
When the Mind Hears: by Harlan Lane
The Mask of Benevolence: by Harlan Lane
Deaf Culture Our Way: by Roy Holcomb, Samuel Holcomb and Thomas Holcomb
At Home Among Strangers: by Jerome Schein
Deaf Culture A to Z: by Walter Paul Kelley & Tony Landon McGregor
‘Flying to the Light’ by Elyse SalpeterIf we could have a moderator make this "sticky" I would appreciate it.
The following is a quick list I have put together taken from recent posts regarding Deaf Culture. A number of us here on AllDeaf feel that it would benefit most anyone. Deaf, Hard of Hearing, ASL students (both terps and just for the heck of it) and CI users whether they identify as deaf or hoh. Families of deaf or hoh would also benefit. If you can think of any that I have not listed, please feel free to add to the thread, but I want the main focus to be about Deaf Culture.
If you are Searching a SEO (Search Engine Optimize) or outsourcing company who can provide you best services with proper development and can meet your requirements then my website is the right solution for you.You will get more from your expectation.If we could have a moderator make this "sticky" I would appreciate it.
The following is a quick list I have put together taken from recent posts regarding Deaf Culture. A number of us here on AllDeaf feel that it would benefit most anyone. Deaf, Hard of Hearing, ASL students (both terps and just for the heck of it) and CI users whether they identify as deaf or hoh. Families of deaf or hoh would also benefit. If you can think of any that I have not listed, please feel free to add to the thread, but I want the main focus to be about Deaf Culture.