purplewowies: I don't conceive that Christianity. a religion with billions of adherents to
"deaf culture" which to my understanding DOESN'T HAVE BILLIONS of person adhering to it. I also don't perceive "deaf culture" a religion.Thus the comparison doesn't appear valid. I would guess say a Catholic Christian can/ or decline to be a member of "deaf culture" without affecting their principles.
The question isn't whether "deaf culture" exists even in a "small way" but the" utility to belonging". How many people in one's immediate social environment are "deaf/Deaf" to use ASL? One can , of course, shift to who one interacts with such as in bowling, swimming,interacting on alldeaf.com even dancing-lots of choices-time constraints? Can't do everything-only 24 hours a day.
Another discussion in Sociology
Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07