Book club(s)?


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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I'm wondering if any of you were in a book club. It does not matter if you're currently in one or were in one 50 years ago. I'm curious what your experience was like? Did you hate or like it?

I have read a lot of books growing up, but I was never member of a book club. I'm going to a Deaf book club meeting this Friday. The club has been around for some time, but it'll be my first meeting. I'm looking forward to it.

I'm curious about your experience. Did you have opportunity to pick which books to read or did you have to read a book that the leader pick? Did you read every month no matter what or did you read only if the leader picked an interesting title?
My mom was in one and may still be active - idk. She loves/loved it, but I'm put off by it because I enjoy REALLY weird books... And most people who seek out book clubs want fiction books. I'd join one if there was a book club for weird topics haha
I always wanted to join one, but have not got the chance yet. Not even sure if there is one in my area. Hope you enjoy it!
My mom was in one and may still be active - idk. She loves/loved it, but I'm put off by it because I enjoy REALLY weird books... And most people who seek out book clubs want fiction books. I'd join one if there was a book club for weird topics haha

The book clubs in my city it too snotty for me and I would not be able hear what was being said.