Bobcat Catches Shark Off Florida Beach

How will one bobcat deal with pack of wolves?
amazing story it proberly has happened before the cat catching fish but that one cat with 9 lives.are those bob cats human killers
amazing story it proberly has happened before the cat catching fish but that one cat with 9 lives.are those bob cats human killers

That is not true ,
"Human bobcat interactions are extremely, extremely rare and attacks on humans are even more rare," said Laura Conlee of the state's Division of Fisheries and Wildlife. "Unprovoked, aggressive behaviors are a symptom of rabies and sometimes we see that with animals that do have rabies."
We have bobcats in our neighborhood, they are quite small, look more like an overgrown domestic cat. I've seen them on 3 different occasions, my neighbors have seen them,but not for a long time. I do live in the woods, or used to. Lots of logging going on here, with housing developments going in!
Bobcats dont bother people.

That aint a bobcat in the video it look like panther with tail injury or deformity
We have bobcats in our neighborhood, they are quite small, look more like an overgrown domestic cat. I've seen them on 3 different occasions, my neighbors have seen them,but not for a long time. I do live in the woods, or used to. Lots of logging going on here, with housing developments going in!

Yeah thats what I first thought when I saw vid no way it same body build like a lioness and head look different glad I wasnt the only one. It cool to see them in the wild. I only saw one once on top of hill looking down at me then ducked down and slunk away it was only maybe 2-3 feet long
Bobcats dont bother people.

That aint a bobcat in the video it look like panther with tail injury or deformity

When I went camping with my Samoyed husky in Northern California my dog woke me when she started to growl like I never heard before a mountain lion came into our camp site and was very close to us my dog did not back down she kept growling at the animal and it ran off. I thought my dog was going to be killed but the mountain lion left us alone . I moved to a difference site after that , I think if I was not there my dog would had been attacked .
When I went camping with my Samoyed husky in Northern California my dog woke me when she started to growl like I never heard before a mountain lion came into our camp site and was very close to us my dog did not back down she kept growling at the animal and it ran off. I thought my dog was going to be killed but the mountain lion left us alone . I moved to a difference site after that , I think if I was not there my dog would had been attacked .

Thats scary. Glad nothing happened to either of you. Those encounters will make my heart pound through my teeth. Youre right they are more easily imidiated with numbers. I remember a story of a guy was hired by ranchers to chase them off their ranges for good by nonlethal method by using group of hounds to tree the lion few times as they can be easily discouraged and look elsewhere
The Joker, look up "indigenous"....that's what Jiro meant......what Calvin meant, too...
How will one bobcat deal with pack of wolves?
group_1410804210_display.jpg This is a 'bobcat' and it cute too!

That is the wrong kind of wolves , red wolves live in Florida and is what is left of them . Them are wolves sanctuaries and we have one in my state too . Man is killing wolves b/c of the myths that been going on for years about them . But back to the bobcat , there was story on the new some time ago about a 'bobcat' being on the lose and spotted in people back yards. It was a very well fed house cat and a good thing no one shot it.

Yeah I guess that is not a bobcat in story , the news reported it as being a 'bobcat'

Well Jiro you didn't mention a real wolf or not. All you said was there are no wolves in Florida. So i proved you wrong.