
Just as much guilty as TheWriteAlex

wait...we have hung out a few times so that makes us accessories to the crime. :lol:
Just as much guilty as TheWriteAlex

wait...we have hung out a few times so that makes us accessories to the crime. :lol:

I have no idea what this woman is talking about. In fact, I've never seen her in my life!


blah blah blah blah

Yeah ... uh huh ...... really? You don't say! .... uh huh .... well how about that?
Hearing people thinks that we deafies are very good at lipreading! :lol:

But really we're master at bluffing. We should be poker players!
I am SOOO guilty of this! I don't do it all the time, though....mainly when I don't really care. In my work I have to listen to every word. At the end of the day, I'm like, "I'm tired of listening. Hearing aids out."
never used to be guilty of that, really but i am alot more so now cuz of tinnitus! not so much the deafness as before i could concentrate, now i can't!! its terrible...
I'm guilty too!! Even though I am very good at lip reading (taught myself when I was 2 years old, apparently!), I get too tired at times trying to lip read and nodding politely when someone is yammering at me, and I'm falling asleep. So, what I tend to do, is to ask them to excuse me as I need to go to bathroom....and then just RUN to a nice quiet corner and take my hearing aid out, and breathe a HUGE sign of relief!

Works every time! LOL!!

AuslanGirl :)
My Nana used to call it my 'selective hearing'. When I was bored I would tune or zone out during conversations. I can understand about the worries. But what I am saying it's not always on the other person to make sure a conversation is understood.

Iam not tuning out, I'm trying really really hard to understand the conversation but its like some of the words aren't there and I get stuck on one and miss all the others, and instead of saying I cant hear you can you speak clearer or repeat everything you just said I say uh uh... ya... oh I see.
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Iam not tuning out, I'm trying really really hard to understand the conversation but its like some of the words aren't there and I get stuck on one and miss all the others, and instead of staying I cant hear you can you speak clearer or repeat everything you just said I say uh uh... ya... oh I see.

My son does it, too. It is something I see a lot of. Just the way some deaf cope.
I'm guilty too!! Even though I am very good at lip reading (taught myself when I was 2 years old, apparently!), I get too tired at times trying to lip read and nodding politely when someone is yammering at me, and I'm falling asleep. So, what I tend to do, is to ask them to excuse me as I need to go to bathroom....and then just RUN to a nice quiet corner and take my hearing aid out, and breathe a HUGE sign of relief!

Works every time! LOL!!

AuslanGirl :)

OOO I can fake bathroom breaks lol!! I can lip read, probably not as well as others but I'm not too bad at it but this fails me... But I'm sure finding a corner is much easier!! haha love that:giggle:
never used to be guilty of that, really but i am alot more so now cuz of tinnitus! not so much the deafness as before i could concentrate, now i can't!! its terrible...

Pardon the ignorance but what is tinnitus?
I've been told that ALL deaf get tinnitus-some degree of it anyways...I get it a little bit, but not so often that it annoys me. My oldest sister, who started losing her hearing as a teenager and now wears 2 HA's gets it really, really badly and it annoys her soo much.

AuslanGirl :)
I have tinnitus in my left ear, which is the ear that is affected by otosclerosis, which is causing the hearing loss. Mine's not bad, except if I'm really tired or not feeling well, it seems louder then.

I totally bluff sometimes-glad I'm not the only one! I do the nod and smile.
I do it a lot. Like my mom's boyfriend just doesnt grasp that fact that I cant hear him, yet he wants to start this huge conversation. I've got to the point that I dont even try with him anymore. I can read lips pretty well but he has a mustache so its like "FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU........dude I cant understand you"

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