blond girls are dumb or not?

Greencateyes, we all know it was just joking. Some blond gals don't like the way people would say to them. like *oh what a dumb blond is she?* Sometime my dad said what a fuck dumb blond is she? I was like dont look at me and tell that chick. Whatever she delievered our foods on the table at the BAR. :lol:
Originally posted by eternity
Greencateyes, we all know it was just joking. Some blond gals don't like the way people would say to them. like *oh what a dumb blond is she?* Sometime my dad said what a fuck dumb blond is she? I was like dont look at me and tell that chick. Whatever she delievered our foods on the table at the BAR. :lol:

that is so funny :laugh2:
Originally posted by Stevey Boy
I remmy I read a news article from BBC said that most of redheads are very sensitive when they are in pain or hurt.

*Jenny the blonde walks in a french restuant and sees his b/f Jake over there* *Jakes waves at her and Jenny sits down with him*

Jenny: "my, isn't this a beauiful restuant they have in town, baby?"

Jake: "sure is!"

Jenny:"That is so NICE of you to invite me here but you didn't have to do that!"

Jake: "Why not? I do anything for you on your birthday" :)


Jake: "i said i do anything for you on your birthday".

Jenny: "OMG it's my birthday!?!?"
I did insultmany time on blonde hair lady who was my old classmate. she is damn bitch and tough, she always be temper herself. that's why I call her Dumb Blond lady. :laugh2:
One blond gal who thinks of negative... She used to say Why they think im dumb i was like yea because you are blond.. You d might want to DYE your hair into red or black or white or brown or whatever
Oh really?
I got alot of blonde female friends... Not all of them are dumb at all! I was awed by their intelligence in many different ways :lol:

And redheads have higher tolerance for any kind of pains, yes? :naughty:
one of my friends always say that blondes give "good head" :roll:
Originally posted by Stevey Boy
I remmy I read a news article from BBC said that most of redheads are very sensitive when they are in pain or hurt.

Also, if they get something to go to sleep in hospital for surgery or whatever, they need more amounts than usual because its hard to put them to sleep with usual amounts. :P The news showed a study about that. :o
In my option

Real Blonde not that dumb. Who people dye their hair turn blonde. I always say "HEY THAT IS BITCH!" Why I say that??

In Oklahoma, I always seen many women that dye their hair turn blonde. They gave me and the people a attuide and giggle all they want until they stop because they snort loud! I have seen too many dye blonde dump their date or boyfriend either divorce! Each time, I heard they have problem when I look at the girl. Spot the dye blonde hair then I respond, "Ah! They don't know being themsevle."

My girlfriend knows what I am talking about.. Only I say that to dye to turn blonde hair.

However, I am talking about hearing people that dye their hair. The result for the deaf people who like us dye hair turn blonde is cool but however I met who deaf person with real blonde hair.. they tend to be dumb??

What ya think?
I met 28 yrs old blonde lady. I asked/begged for bj many time. And she finally give me a bj! :eek2:
Originally posted by lilredridinhood
nah. i'm dirty blonde, and i don't look THAT stupid do i? rofl :-D

then why is your screenname relation to stupid group?
Will he or wont he?

A redhead walks into a sports bar around 9:58 PM. She sits down next to this blonde at the bar and stares up at the TV. The 10:00 news was on. The news crew was covering a story of a man on a ledge of a tall building preparing to jump. The redhead turns to the blonde and says, "You know, I bet he'll jump."The blonde replied, "Well, I bet he won't." The redhead placed $20 dollars on the bar and said, "You're on!" Just as the blonde placed her money on the bar, the guy did a swan dive off of the building, falling to his death. The blonde was very upset and handed her $20 dollars to the redhead and said, "All is fair. Here is your money." The redhead replies, "Honey, I can't take your money, I saw this earlier on the 5 o'clock news and knew he would jump." The blonde replies, "I did too, but I didn't think he'd do it again."

blond gal failed
It's just a blond JOKE.

Tygersaidstfu you are right.. just some or not. (individual not just blond)
Originally posted by eternity
It's just a blond JOKE.

Tygersaidstfu you are right.. just some or not. (individual not just blond)

yeah u are right.. just some or not. :|
(Dry, sarcastic humour here... brunette switching hair colours..)

A brunette goes to a blonde...

Brunette exclaims, "What did you do to your hair?!" to the blonde,
Blonde responds back, "Oh, I washed it!"

Mwahahahahaha!! :laugh2:
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