Blind Dog = Dead Dog??

Oh yes you are right. sorry

I understands now. I was not reading the long stories. yes put dog to sleep no more pain and rest in peace too.

Liebling:-))) said:
It's no choice when the dogs and cats are sick, have poor healthy etc. etc. that's they can't do anything to keep you happy. Put them in sleep to save their suffering.

Keep dogs/cats alive whom they are real sick is a cruel because they are suffering.
Do you want to describe me as bad heart person?

Of course I don't Liebling and you know it. But I am afraid you don't understand what I am saying. I am saying that you should not put to sleep a dog who's just blind but otherwise can manage.
Your friend's dog seem to be blind and very old, I meant mostly HEALTHY dogs and even young.
I asked:
By this way of thinking ALL the blind dogs, young or old should be put to sleep.
Please read carefully.

And no, I don't have a blind dog but I have a dog whos' blind in one eye and hardly sees in the other.
She's only 4 or 5 years old, and already this blind eye got slight cataract, which is something what Sam has except it's in very early stage.
The vet said it's possible it will happen to the other eye. We hope it won't.
I can't imagine putting her to sleep just because she's got blind.
And there is plenty of stories around about blind dogs living happy life..

Of course I don't Liebling and you know it. But I am afraid you don't understand what I am saying. I am saying that you should not put to sleep a dog who's just blind but otherwise can manage.

Yes, I understand your post but we are talking about Sam, it's him who have poor healthy and blind.

Your friend's dog seem to be blind and very old, I meant mostly HEALTHY dogs and even young.
I asked:
By this way of thinking ALL the blind dogs, young or old should be put to sleep.
Please read carefully.

Okay, I understand that you are talking about young dogs but I never see any young dogs who have blind in my life but all what I know is the pets grow old and become blind later. :dunno:

I can't say anything because I never experienced with young and blind dog or withness anyone but become old and blind. Yes, I said in my previous post that it's better for blind dogs go to save their suffering. It's hard to beleive that young and blind dogs can live happily. I only know that blind human and pet are different.
I would say something when I KNOW any young and blind pets but I can't because I don't have experience or withness. I tried to picture myself what if I have young healthy and blind dog while I have a family. I would of have the Vet's opinion because I can't take care of blind dog for 24 hours whom I have a family, I take care of.

And no, I don't have a blind dog but I have a dog whos' blind in one eye and hardly sees in the other.She's only 4 or 5 years old, and already this blind eye got slight cataract, which is something what Sam has except it's in very early stage.
The vet said it's possible it will happen to the other eye. We hope it won't.
I can't imagine putting her to sleep just because she's got blind.
And there is plenty of stories around about blind dogs living happy life..

Oh dear, 4 or 5 years is too young to be blind is not normal. :-o. Where it comes from? I know alot of pets become blind when they are old and have poor healthy like Sam.
Okay, you will see yourself when your dog will become blind soon.
I think we had again a case of miscommunication :)
It all started with Sam but in Sam's post I was asking about young and mature and old dogs - all dogs- that are blind.
yes there are dogs that are being born blind, and dogs that lost their sight later in life.

And the same way we don't want to be discriminated against just because we are deaf, I believe we should not assume on the spot that blind dog is unhappy and suffering dog. Even if we indeed can not compare dog to a human.
An Old dog I am sure it's different story and the owner must decide if she'he will have enough time and energy to take care of a blind and ailing dog, and most importanlty if she'he want to... of course I do not deny sometimes putting to sleep is the only option but I would think about it very carefully, no rush.

As for my dog partial blindness - the cause is known.

Australian Shepherds (Aussies) come in a few colors combination, one is called blue merle.
If you breed merle to merle you may have a dog with genetic fault that causes them to be blind- something like white cats with one or two blue eyes are usually deaf.
She - Bella is result of merle to merle breeding.
Not only her but all the other puppies that were born to her parents (they all see) carry genes of eye defects that may be passed onto the next generation.

There is also a number of other eye defects and health problems that this breed may inherit (as any other breed) and that's why it is very, very important that you should spay/neuter your animal because you have no way to know if your animal, as perfect and healthy as it looks, carry faulty genes.
It cost a lot of money to do the neccessary test, and also the other dog that will be used for breeding needs to have these checks done.

Of course, life is life, there is plenty of "accidents" that result in overpopulated animal shelters, unnecessary euthanasia and animals being born with all sorts of health problems. :(

If you are interested in rescuing poor homeless Aussie here's the link:

Aussies are great dogs- GREAT !!!
They are generally healthy, happy and very intelligent, easy to train and they love to work.
They are very energetic though so if you are couch potato this dog is not for you. They need to exercise daily at least one h/f hr because if they are bored they may become destructive- may chew around the house, bark, just get into trouble.
Also this is very social dog so defintely NOT to be left alone in back yard. It's not a guard type dog- it's a shepherd that runs and keep sheeps or duck together. Like Border Collie.
I love my Aussies.

Yes Liebling my heart is heavy- I hope my Bella will not go blind in that other eye ever, but if she will I hope, since I don't have small kid anymore, we will be able to take proper care of her..

Audiofuzzy said:
I think we had again a case of miscommunication :)
It all started with Sam but in Sam's post I was asking about young and mature and old dogs - all dogs- that are blind.
yes there are dogs that are being born blind, and dogs that lost their sight later in life.

Ok, let to forget it... :thumb:

And the same way we don't want to be discriminated against just because we are deaf, I believe we should not assume on the spot that blind dog is unhappy and suffering dog. Even if we indeed can not compare dog to a human.
An Old dog I am sure it's different story and the owner must decide if she'he will have enough time and energy to take care of a blind and ailing dog, and most importanlty if she'he want to... of course I do not deny sometimes putting to sleep is the only option but I would think about it very carefully, no rush.

As for my dog partial blindness - the cause is known.

Perhaps you were right about young and blind dogs. I never experience with any dogs like this. One point is you are right about not rush but think twice carefully.

Australian Shepherds (Aussies) come in a few colors combination, one is called blue merle.
If you breed merle to merle you may have a dog with genetic fault that causes them to be blind- something like white cats with one or two blue eyes are usually deaf.
She - Bella is result of merle to merle breeding.
Not only her but all the other puppies that were born to her parents (they all see) carry genes of eye defects that may be passed onto the next generation.

Yes, I know white cats with blue mean is deaf but I has no idea about deaf dog. I remember from saw Banjo´s picture of deaf dog with blue eyes. Banjo named his dog "Sky" because he has blue eyes. (

There is also a number of other eye defects and health problems that this breed may inherit (as any other breed) and that's why it is very, very important that you should spay/neuter your animal because you have no way to know if your animal, as perfect and healthy as it looks, carry faulty genes.
It cost a lot of money to do the neccessary test, and also the other dog that will be used for breeding needs to have these checks done.

It´s interesting... this is a new to me... I didn´t know about this.. I alway thought the pet become blind when they are old. I was like wow that my 19 years old Sussi is not blind yet.

Of course, life is life, there is plenty of "accidents" that result in overpopulated animal shelters, unnecessary euthanasia and animals being born with all sorts of health problems. :(

Yeah, it´s very sad. :(

If you are interested in rescuing poor homeless Aussie here's the link:

I really love to adopt any dogs but I´m cat person... German strict law about dog stress me that´s why I rather to have cats or small pets.

Aussies are great dogs- GREAT !!!
They are generally healthy, happy and very intelligent, easy to train and they love to work.
They are very energetic though so if you are couch potato this dog is not for you. They need to exercise daily at least one h/f hr because if they are bored they may become destructive- may chew around the house, bark, just get into trouble.
Also this is very social dog so defintely NOT to be left alone in back yard. It's not a guard type dog- it's a shepherd that runs and keep sheeps or duck together. Like Border Collie.
I love my Aussies.

Yes, I know Aussie dogs are very beautiful pet. I never forget about Max, where we look after him during our month vacation in Australia of 2000 while my friend´s friend (married couple) went off to Africa on their vacation to let us to use their house and look after their dog Max. Max is such darling dog and feel want to adopt him... We miss him terrible when we left Australia for go back to Germany. :(

Max look like this but his color just brown
You can see the similar face of Aussie dog what Max look like. (picture of black and brown color dog, not white/grey dog).

Yes Liebling my heart is heavy- I hope my Bella will not go blind in that other eye ever, but if she will I hope, since I don't have small kid anymore, we will be able to take proper care of her..

I know what you mean. I know its hard to lose pet you love and take care for years. Keep update to let me know about your dog...
Max is lovely!! :)
Max seem to be Australian Cattle Dog, and there is also Kelpie which also is Australian:

You'll probably be surpised to find out that Australian Shepherd is actually an american breed but it's agreed to call it Australian Shepherd - funny, huh?
I don't know about Australian Cattle Dog, though.

I am not sure if the dogs with blue eyes are right away deaf too, like white cats. A lot of dogs has blue eyes - my other dog have - and they see perfectly.
But with my Bella is slightly different- this one blind eye is very very pale blue.
My dr who saw her eye and white fur color said right away she's blind in that eyem it's too pale blue, and later on turned out the dr was right.
Now Bella has this eye a little white cloudy..

But I hope she'll have vision in her other eye, brown with a speck od blue, for the rest of her life.

That's exact 'Australian Kelpie'. I forget which right name for Aussie dog... until you brought this name with link... That's exactly what Max is... but color brown... Very beautiful pet.

Yeah, I am also not sure either the dogs with blue eyes meant is deaf but I only know that white cat with blue eyes is deaf... but dogs... :dunno: I only said what I saw Banjo's picture of his deaf dog with blue eyes. I thought it could be... :dunno:
That's terrible.
A close friend of mine reciently had to have both of her dogs eyes removed. He's doing great- all he needs is a little extra love. I can't believe people would think that about anything/one..:( that just really upsets me.