bleeeeeeehhhh x.x

Dark Half, Glad you can keep some food down now. I hope someone is keeping an eye on you. If not call, a friend or relative and have them stay with you the next few days.
SORRY TO HEAR YOU ARENT WELL-Food isnt so important but you must get fluids into you -try some room temp ginger-ale. Slowly add some crackers or toast.I am a assist dietician -used to work for a large hospital in my area. There is something called a BRAT diet that is for severe nausea.It's banana-rice-apple juice-toast. I dont know why but this is given to patients. I know from my friends who drink(i dont anymore cuz meniere's) ice pops are their cure.Myself with the dizzy spells and migraines sips of soda, saltines,pudding. If this doesnt work and you really cant keep anything at all down not even a pill for nausea you can get a suppository that will help.Desperate times-desperate measures! Feel better!
I've been staying with my parents, my grandparents are visting and they were there as well. I know how importiant the food/fluid thing is -- thanks for caring y'all :P I'm quite well right now. Just need it to heal up and I'm good n'
Glad that you are feeling better now and keeping the food down. I think most people take the anti-puke medication, hence to control the urge to throw up. I remember when I first came out I felt sick and one of the first questions the nurse asked me was "do you feel sick?" and then she gave me the medication and I was fine.

Take it easy and rest up. It sounds like you are the type who would rather deal with the pain than with the painkillers.

Don't hesistate to call the doctor or hospital if something doesn't seem right.
After surgery, you are not supposed to eat solid foods..Just very light such as chicken broth soup, and drink a lot of water to cleanse inside your body.
Sleep upright to let blood flow that will not cause the pressure on your head.
Voncodin does hurt my stomach few weeks after my surgery..that's how i got GERD. ugh! Oh well! I have to take medication to prevent from getting an attck. It hurt like a HELL!!! So check with your doctor about it.

Vincodin is what they gave me. 2 pills after surgery. I got a whole bottle that I'm refusing to take. It upsets my stomach so bad, screw pain killers. I can ride it out.

edit- thanks. I'm feelin a little better TBH. Feeling is coming back to my ear!

I'm sorry to hear about the vomiting you experienced, but am glad you're feeling better now. :)

A tip for those of you who have surgery dates coming up -- request anti-nausea meds in your IV so that when you awake in recovery, you won't feel nauseated. (This advice was given to me by another CI user.)

I'm sorry to hear about the vomiting you experienced, but am glad you're feeling better now. :)

A tip for those of you who have surgery dates coming up -- request anti-nausea meds in your IV so that when you awake in recovery, you won't feel nauseated. (This advice was given to me by another CI user.)

Thanks :)
Dark-Half, glad you're starting to feel better! Sorry you had to go thru the nasty vomit crap. :/

I was one of the lucky ones, I didn't feel nauseous or vomit not even once. I believe it helps that I received anti nauseous meds via my IV a long with the versed and something else, I don't remember what before they took to the OR. :]

2-3 wks later you'll forget you even had the surgery! I feel awesome. The only thing that reminds me that I had the CI surgery is when I touch my head, I can feel that small bump where the CI is implanted & of course the shaved part of my head. heh.


When do you get activated, Dark-half?

No problem! :) This advice was included in another thread on AD entitled, "CI Surgery Tips/Suggestions." For those who are interested, I'm sure you could find it by doing a search, but it would be even better if the moderators could make that thread a sticky. :) <hint, hint>
I'd forgotten about that thread - maybe we should bump it up again?
4 days till stitches out. 4 days and 2 weeks until hookup. I couldn't sleep last night and have started to take the pain killers.... i hate pain killers but its helping me sleep and keep sane for the time being. Tongue is numb and throat is wiggy feelin.

I still can't really feel my ear and it's puffy. When I shower it feels like it's melting off. Yippie.
I'd forgotten about that thread - maybe we should bump it up again?

I think that's a good idea. :) I just tried doing a search, but can't find it. :( Could you try doing a search R2D2? If I remember correctly, the thread was entitled, "CI Surgery Tips/Suggestions." I received a message saying that "CI" was too broad a topic, so when I tried narrowing it down to "tips/suggestions," I was brought back to this thread.
I got an ipod shuffle as a gift o.0; is there some sort of wires I can get that'll hook the CI to the shuffle that I should ask from my audie?
I got an ipod shuffle as a gift o.0; is there some sort of wires I can get that'll hook the CI to the shuffle that I should ask from my audie?

I'm sure you can get something for the Harmony, Boult? Boult? Yoo hoo! I got a cable for the Freedom that plugs directly from the Ipod to the back of the Freedom. I often listen to stories, talks and stuff. Music sounds nice too.
I'm sure you can get something for the Harmony, Boult? Boult? Yoo hoo! I got a cable for the Freedom that plugs directly from the Ipod to the back of the Freedom. I often listen to stories, talks and stuff. Music sounds nice too.
yeah there is one that is if he did request "direct connect" earhook included
If not, then he can order one from AB, just contact customer service.

here's list of earhooks for Harmony - Harmony Cochlear Implant by Advanced Bionics
I'm sure you can get something for the Harmony, Boult? Boult? Yoo hoo! I got a cable for the Freedom that plugs directly from the Ipod to the back of the Freedom. I often listen to stories, talks and stuff. Music sounds nice too.


Was the audio cable included as part of your accessories for the Freedom? Just wondering because I never received an audio cable with mine. When I checked the Cochlear website, I was surprised at how much they cost. It looks like I'll have to save up my pennies for awhile before I can purchase one. :) In the meantime, when I want to listen to my MP3/CD player, I use my 3G processors with headphones or the audio cable that was included with my N24 accessories.

Was the audio cable included as part of your accessories for the Freedom? Just wondering because I never received an audio cable with mine. When I checked the Cochlear website, I was surprised at how much they cost. It looks like I'll have to save up my pennies for awhile before I can purchase one. :) In the meantime, when I want to listen to my MP3/CD player, I use my 3G processors with headphones or the audio cable that was included with my N24 accessories.

No, it wasn't included in my package unfortunately and it is a bit exxy isn't it? If you already are happy with using the headphones then maybe you could stick with that. The audio cable is more handy for when you are out and about. I sometimes wear my ipod when doing my housework for example.

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