After visiting Gallaudet this past weekend, I realized that I had to drop my Luddite persona, ASAP!
I folded like a cheap suit and went for a
BlackBerry 8700g through The provider will be
T-Mobile and I'm on the unlimited data plan ($30/mo), w/ no voice minutes.
I did take a look at the
SideKick III closely, but the camera was a factor against it. More and more places are banning cameras. I was never a camera enthusiast, my vlogs notwithstanding. Moreover, the SK is viewed as a teenager's toy. Unfair or not, I felt I needed to project a 'professional' image, and marketing is one tool in a legal professional's arsenal!
However, the SK3 does have one good thing going for it; the IM client. The BB 8700g should address this shortcoming through third party clients, though. Also, if the BB OS update comes through, the unit should have BB Maps support, like the Pearl does.
It doesn't hurt that the BB 8700g is lighter and smaller than the SK3. The SK3's width does have the BB 8700g beat, though. And then there's the alarm vibrate function of the 8700g. (I suspect the SK3 does have a similar function, no?)
I did see the leaked information about BB's next messaging pager, the BB 8800 (Indigo/Crimson), to be released sometime in 2007. There's a couple of neat features about the next generation BB units; They will have memory card support and have WiFi. However, I felt I wanted a pager now, and didn't feel like waiting, and then paying through the nose for one.