black stuff coming from ear after CI surgery?


New Member
Nov 20, 2010
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Hi, I got the surgery 2 days ago. My ear still feels numb and swollen on the inside as if there is something stuck in the ear canal.

last night, my ear had blood crusted inside of it which felt disgusting. I wet a q tip and gently put it in. I didn't put it in far.

But when I took it out, there was a plum-black ish color and wax color stuck on the white q tip!!

I'm worried! is this an infection? :/
Hi, I got the surgery 2 days ago. My ear still feels numb and swollen on the inside as if there is something stuck in the ear canal.

last night, my ear had blood crusted inside of it which felt disgusting. I wet a q tip and gently put it in. I didn't put it in far.

But when I took it out, there was a plum-black ish color and wax color stuck on the white q tip!!

I'm worried! is this an infection? :/

I felt the same way after surgery, like pressure in my ear. I think what you have is blood, plus ear fluid drainage. I definitely wouldn't be putting anything in your ear canal. Your only on day 2. Even though the surgery is fairly quick, there is an awful lot being done. Call your doctor if your concerned. Best of luck!!!
that colour is not fresh blood it at least 24hrs old if you start seeing fresh blood then see dr but if you worried see him sooner
If you had an infection, you would have either white or green stuff coming out. Anything dark is usually dried blood. Yes, you will feel pain & pressure for a few days. That is why your doctor prescribed painkillers, which you might need for a few days.
From reading the above-I don't recall any problem-"dried blood" after the Implant operation of 5 years ago. My guess the skill of the surgeon?
Good news not a recurring problem.
mostly I had yellow/orange gunk in my ear from the antiseptic cleanser the surgeon used to clean my ear area for the surgery. I did have a bit of blackish dried blood on the incision behind the ear until my mom and I cleaned the incision.
omg, I have the crusted blood sometimes from a cold or a bloody nose but sometimes can be my ears after I suffered an allergic reaction.
yeah that is normal. its blood build up form the surgery, just relax, recover and it will go away soon

the numbing.. i still have some spots that are numbed on my scar line.
yep, thats dried blood, when i went in to see my CI surgeon for a post-surgery checkup, i had some dried blood in my ear and he cleaned that out for me and after that i was okay. But don't mess with your ear especially when you JUST got out of surgery. just relax in bed, watch some tv, take a nap or read a book while recovering. don't overdo it too much, because then you'll be really sore or you might screw something up. just take it easy and don't panic, you're just healing and don't worry, your body knows how to recover ;)

I have some numbing too on my ear. I have a numb spot where my ear hooks rests on my ear. Ever since i had surgery on both of my ears, that spot i can't really feel anymore. Along with my scar line too from the surgery, but i hate washing behind the ear, i don't like touching my scar too much for some reason. I don't really know why!
I have numb spots also, they don't really bother me. What kind of freaks me out is the holes that were drilled. The one on the side of my head is ok, the one behind my ear feels big. It is helpful though cos my ears are tiny and the processor fits nice there.