Black Friday Sales

that's i know whats Black Friday is...

indeed it should be banned..
obsessed people with minds fcuked up because of capitalism...its the nearest thing to the film "the Purge"......maybe it should be called Black Eye Friday
It would be nice if it were banned, but if it were, there would be an outcry. Not only that, we'd be more than likely to fall back in a recession-- again. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are two of the biggest days of shopping in the US.... money is gained, and people are happy.
i can see that too...its a catch-22 situation...pretty sad...
I looked at the video and am glad I stayed home and read Robert Morgan's biography of Daniel Boone. Besides my sadness at the scene of overfed Americans on a buying frenzy I was impressed at how good natured most in the video looked. Lots of smiles and the grand mixture of our people there. On the whole they could have done way worse.
Small business rocks!!
I'm not a fan of Black Friday-- period. I don't support it, nor will I ever do so. I like shopping at small businesses, where there are no long lines and selfish people being pushy, and NO PRESSURE. I can browse as long as I please, until I find the perfect gifts for my family.
It actually is. Good point there. I kinda wish the hearing people would take a leaf out of OUR books-- take our times, we do, and no rushing to buy stuff, and getting stomped on, and all that.
I suspect that there is a lot of exchange of Black Friday stories amongst the shopping minded. That in itself is a big part of the Experience. "It was Hell but I got a great deal" that sort of thing. Whatever floats their boat. I myself am extremely uncomfortable in the crowd scene but who cares anyway? The crowd scene is a fact of life for lots of people.
That's true, but being a deaf person in a crowd of thousands and with cashiers under huge pressure and long lines makes me thankful I can get a similar product without all the hassle and being pushy, and end up in jail or worse.
I did not watch this particular video. But . . . stop and think what kind of things usually show up on the news. The ones that were just very busy probably didn't show up there except for some scattered local coverage.
I see it every year on the Chicago Tribune on-line newspaper. It get nuts around here every single year. In fact, six people were arrested last year for fighting. This year? No idea, cause I haven't yet checked.
It really should be called Black and Blue Friday! I saw on the news two women where fighting over an item and one woman used a stun gun on the other woman. WTF is wrong with people??? A boy knocked over in another fight , I think it's insane to bring a child or baby to a Black and Blue Friday .
Now that's hilarious (Calling it Black and Blue Friday, that is). However..... bringing a stun gun to a fistfight? Now that's not fair. And I agree... no kids should be seeing any of this. It influences bad behavior while they're growing up, and they'll do just what their parents did.
Agreed. I prefer small business sales; no long lines, and no pushy people saying "Me first"

My city has a festival every summer and people from out of town and women will have a double stroller and if you're not careful you could get knocked trying to get into a small shop . The women uses their strollers as a weapon to push through people. People are pushy no matter how big or small a store it.
That's true. However, the store I go to doesn't allow larger strollers inside-- not enough space, and not only that, the person could knock over a bunch of stuff.
Now that's hilarious (Calling it Black and Blue Friday, that is). However..... bringing a stun gun to a fistfight? Now that's not fair. And I agree... no kids should be seeing any of this. It influences bad behavior while they're growing up, and they'll do just what their parents did.

I am concerned about a child getting hurt , a boy was knocked to the ground and I saw on the news one dad had his baby in a baby sling and resting on his chest. Why the Hell would any parent bring their baby to a mob of insane people??? Yeah I could not believe it when I heard this on the news , the store kicked both women out but I think the store should had call the cops. I might just tell my family since I am Jewish I am not buying and Christmas gifts this year. This way I can avoid the dealing crazy people.
I agree; parents aren't being smart bringing babies to that mob. As for buying gifts, there are other, less stressful ways to do that without getting pushed by. You can go to a store that has similar items, and buy them there. That means no long lines and no high stakes pressure. Plus, you can browse as much as you please.