bizzare things you see in a day


New Member
Jun 28, 2011
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Was standing at bus stop and got thinking about life as you do waiting for the bus that's late and the old girl down street took wrong turn yet again and wobberling down middle of a very busy long road on invalid buggy traffic behind all staking up as coming towards rush hour did't need be deaf read their lips.
Then come into town see Spider man with sandwich board advertising pizza as ya do.5mins later on bus out of town I see the Fair in town and one of those dreadful rides that take you miles in air was stuck,the firemen all scratching head as to how get them down don't know out come.Then on tv just said the Kittiwake who population gone down 90% really on the up in my town only they nesting on the old nuclear reactor cooler,then poop in town thus spider man walking around dejected...
Life do full circle of un-answer questions:giggle:
In a gym locker room guys prance around with their nuts out. No humility at all. Just prancing here and there. There and here. All with their nuts out. :D
In a gym locker room guys prance around with their nuts out. No humility at all. Just prancing here and there. There and here. All with their nuts out. :D

that's not a bizarre thing... it's normal in pretty much 99% of the world lol
Friends visiting...smokers go out to the patio to smoke...and put their butts in an empty ciggy pack when done....they come in...we all standing around jabbering...then see this guy run around to the end of the Patio...thru the bushes....grabbing the ciggy pack off the table...*No matter the ADT sign in the yard*...and he hauls arse...all we saw was brown shorts....friends were in shock!....:giggle:..."OMG...what did he just steal"?....I'm laughing....:lol:...nothing but an old ciggy pack with ciggy butts in it.....ain't seen that guy since....
A guy in the apartment directly across from mine likes to watch tv naked with his butt pressed against the window...

A school bus stopped in the middle of a one-way street and a lady yelling at him to keep driving. Apparently he was tired and decided to park the bust and take a nap...
TCS and I were on the trike this morning, on the interstate, headed to a meet-up of Patriot Guard Riders, when we saw a big column of black smoke on the other side of the divided highway. When we got closer, we could see a tow truck with a vehicle on its flat bed, fully in flame. The tow truck was pulled over to the shoulder, and there was one police SUV behind it. No fire trucks anywhere in sight.

I've never seen a vehicle being towed on fire before. It was a weird sight.
TCS and I were on the trike this morning, on the interstate, headed to a meet-up of Patriot Guard Riders, when we saw a big column of black smoke on the other side of the divided highway. When we got closer, we could see a tow truck with a vehicle on its flat bed, fully in flame. The tow truck was pulled over to the shoulder, and there was one police SUV behind it. No fire trucks anywhere in sight.

I've never seen a vehicle being towed on fire before. It was a weird sight.

It wouldn't have been towed while on fire or fully involved in flames. It may have been a wreck or vehicle fire being towed off and it caught fire or re-kindled on the road. The wind could have made it flare back up and the police vehicle seen it and pulled it over.
I used to work in the news dpt of my local NBC affiliate. Bizarre doesn't begin to cover some of the things I've seen,,,, but one of my faves.... One of our photogs was spooked by a grasshopper, and in a panic chucked his camera over 25 feet!
However, props to Panasonic... Our chief engineer yelled at the guy longer than it took ot fix the camera. It was back in service in under an hour!!!
I used to work in the news dpt of my local NBC affiliate. Bizarre doesn't begin to cover some of the things I've seen,,,, but one of my faves.... One of our photogs was spooked by a grasshopper, and in a panic chucked his camera over 25 feet!
However, props to Panasonic... Our chief engineer yelled at the guy longer than it took ot fix the camera. It was back in service in under an hour!!!

my son just told me someone brought their dog into surgery for resus I bet that looked bizzare it was pointed out the vets be better place