Bizarre calls

Sooooo.... now what? what should we do in the meantime since we cannot make any calls? I dont know if that happened to everyone but I could not call out - even after I rebooted the VP. Keeps seeing 'dialing' on the other end. Cross our fingers :fingersx: hoping that VP will become operable very soon?

Something else to try if rebooting the VP or network powercycle doesn't work.

1. Unplug power and ethernet cable from VP
2. Plug power to VP and let it boot up then wait 5 minutes.
3. Plug the ethernet cable in and make some test calls.
I got it around 8am(CST) and I ignored it. Someone ( use computer to attack whole VPs in same time.

Yes, I got five of xxxxxx in same time. No way humans can do that.

yes, it was human know as hacker who scan to try find out our info or try to check if vp is auto open to nosy over our pantie.
My other insane theory, the idiot hacker thought of test before going into advance to sneak into Sorenson's server and leave the Sign Mail of porn for us. Woot! Free porn! Or bad...
Pulling Ethernet is not required and can cause confuse to some people trying to put it back on.

Simply pull power out and plug back in is sufficient. because pulling power out really kills the power to Ethernet and acts as if Ethernet is disconnected already.

Usually surefire way to restore is to unplug power from SVP, Router(s), then modem. Wait at least 5 minutes, do this as if you connect by dots start with Modem plug back on wait 2 minutes then plug in router wait 1 minute then SVP. This should restore the SVP.


Something else to try if rebooting the VP or network powercycle doesn't work.

1. Unplug power and ethernet cable from VP
2. Plug power to VP and let it boot up then wait 5 minutes.
3. Plug the ethernet cable in and make some test calls.
Thank god I dont have VP200. Too much hassles!

I had VP200 only a couple months and it gave me just a couple minutes of "hassles." I am so glad I have it because it beats tdd's and computer relay by miles. Woot!
better to have VP for in case of emergency.

i think VP better than TTY.
TTY is pain in the ass.
i'm thankful and grateful to have it. :D
Sometime, I think that most youth deaf don't know how to handle with TTY. Very depending on videophone. I can hope that videophone will turn mainstream to every household in America. not only for deaf but everybody.
I think my VP had caught a virus...Every time I delete those calls, and unplug it, but they come back...

GET IT IN YOUR HEAD!! its NOT a virus. basically the sorenson server is messed with and cuased those problems. its nothing new. it will be fixed. Just power cycle the vp. Remember you can view the call history, and delete it no problem. If it comes back, then your vp is not talking to the sorenson server. it needs bit more time. if you get retreiving and you try to delete the calls before the next heartbeat signal to sorenson servers and reboot it, the server will think it not deleted. reason is the call history is STORED on sorenson server. you just have a shadow copy on your VP.

just be patience, what is 10 mins may feel likes hours to you but its a waste of time if you hurry to fast.
I got five missing calls and tried to click on missed calls, but it was delayed, so I uplugged VP, then the missed calls list was gone. Weird.
yeah, i don't want to be bother for today, i just don't like telemarketing-"so annoying". my family and friends know that i put "no calls". they can reach me by email or text anyway.

ever heard of a website that you can put in your 10 digit number to stop the telemarketing calls come through? I can't remember what the website address however it is a government site.
ever heard of a website that you can put in your 10 digit number to stop the telemarketing calls come through? I can't remember what the website address however it is a government site.

i think i heard abt it but didn't think abt that. but thanks. appreciate it.

National Do Not Call Registry
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Your registration will not expire. Telephone numbers placed on the National Do Not Call Registry will remain on it permanently due to the Do-Not-Call Improvement Act of 2007, which became law in February 2008. Read more about it at

The National Do Not Call Registry gives you a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls at home. Most telemarketers should not call your number once it has been on the registry for 31 days. If they do, you can file a complaint at this Website. You can register your home or mobile phone for free.

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Attention sellers and telemarketers: Go to to subscribe to the National Do Not Call Registry.

If you are an exempt organization, and you wish to scrub your call lists, you may subscribe, but are not required to do so.

National Do Not Call Registry
ational Do Not Call Registry
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Your registration will not expire. Telephone numbers placed on the National Do Not Call Registry will remain on it permanently due to the Do-Not-Call Improvement Act of 2007, which became law in February 2008. Read more about it at Do Not Call Registrations Permanent and Fees Telemarketers Pay to Access Registry Set.

The National Do Not Call Registry gives you a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls at home. Most telemarketers should not call your number once it has been on the registry for 31 days. If they do, you can file a complaint at this Website. You can register your home or mobile phone for free.

Register Now
Attention sellers and telemarketers: Go to to subscribe to the National Do Not Call Registry.

If you are an exempt organization, and you wish to scrub your call lists, you may subscribe, but are not required to do so.
That's the site!

Thanks, KristinaB.
I spoke with a friend yesterday. I have a gut feeling that a hacker using a proxy ip address to hack into a Sorenson server, then calling phone numbers. Some Sorenson workers got them too.

It is a possibility even though I have no proof.
yea same thing happen to me and I finally turn it off (not unplug). then it came back on itself. I was like wtf. So I unplugged it and leave it alone over nite. The next day it was fine.
WOW: i can see having Bell Relay Service does eliminate all kind of strange calls. I use Bell Canada TeleMessage Service for all incoming calls and have the Relay Service access on my behalf. Advise Bell if any commercial messages just delete and key nothing. I have a regular Vista phone which lights up if any unheard messages in Call Answer. Then use my TTY. I have been doing this since 1996. Perhaps a different system here in Canada.

Advanced Bionics- Harmony activated Aug/07

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