Bitch Blizzard (56K WARNING!)

CrazyRedHeadWV said:
Oh come on!! Quit complaining.. Get a 4X4 SUV and go wild in the snow..... :mrgreen:

Im thinking to get one.. but gotta to wait..
CoolFroggie - can you send over 15 inches of snow to Toowoomba, Australia? We need lots and lots of water real badly - the main dams are slowly going down... it's capacity is now 36.9% of water now o_o
Weather today turns it out heavy dogs and cats pouring here.. I'm getting grow happy because snow already melts.. :) Outside weather turns it out SPRING.. woOoOO awwrroo!
Fly Free said:
*tells Mother Nature to dump the snow from MN/WI out to CA in the area of Magatsu's*

HAVE FUN!!!!!! :fruit: :rofl:

Fly Free :whip:

Be NICE to Magatsu! Least he said he MISSED the snow.

I, on the other hand, live in that lovely place EVERYBODY wants to be, and I DON'T miss the white shit!



*disapparates* :rofl:
Aw come on ! Let's go snowmobiling all day
on that snow if I were you !!!
Oceanbreeze said:
Fly Free :whip:

Be NICE to Magatsu! Least he said he MISSED the snow.

I, on the other hand, live in that lovely place EVERYBODY wants to be, and I DON'T miss the white shit!



*disapparates* :rofl:

:squint: Oceangurl -- ME be nice to Magatsu qq :whistle: *points over to Magatsu* -- HE said he MISSES the snow!


*psst* how abt if we got the snow dumped in a certain state where a certain nose that grows live qq how that sound qq :twisted: :whistle:
Fly Free said:
:squint: Oceangurl -- ME be nice to Magatsu qq :whistle: *points over to Magatsu* -- HE said he MISSES the snow!


*psst* how abt if we got the snow dumped in a certain state where a certain nose that grows live qq how that sound qq :twisted: :whistle:

Uhm, Fly. Look again, dear. It's past tense. So, there! :nana:

Snow in the South? Sure! Just don't dump it here!

all i got still rain cat and dogs here snow here yet. :nana: rain is melting all the snow away! yay!!!
Magatsu said:
As California native, I am jealous of you people who have to deal with snow weather... I am serious. I MISSED the snow weather in Vermont.. even shovelling.

Did you forget that there is snow on the mountains in California? Lake Tahoe area has the deepest snow in the country. Right?
oh damn!!! but i usually lived in michigan with thick thick snow.. aww i miss that!
You know whats funny? (First you must know I live a few hours away from Cooliefroggie) We left for NY on Thursday, and drove through Wisconsin through the night (on I-90 to chicago) and it snowed most of the night (10pm-fking 3 am, took forever because of the weather)

When we got to NY on Friday, friends from MN said they were having a freak storm, and had an assload of snow. When we arrived back in MN yesterday, THERE WASNT ANY SNOW! :P How fortunate for us ;)