Birth weights

I was a preemie but I was 6 lb 7 oz. I was born about 2 months (8 weeks) early and the placenta came before me so the doctors had to do an emergency C-section on my mother. Someone told me that if I had been full-term I would have been about 9 lbs or more at birth, something about fetuses growing more faster towards the end of the pregnancy period or something like that! Yikes!

My sister was full-term and was 7 lb 6 oz. I still remember the day she was born, I was 5 years old at the time. I did not even know my mom was pregnant at all because she was not showing at all, she had no baby bump. Someone had to explain to me that I was going to have a sibling very soon, and I still no idea until the day she was born. Odd, because with me she had a huge baby bump (I saw a picture of her from when she was pregnant with me). But when she was pregnant with my sister she showed no signs of being pregnant at all, and nope, my sister is not adopted, my mom actually gave birth to her and I know for sure because my mom showed me the brand-new surgical c-section incision with all the stitches when I visited her at the hospital the day my sister was born. Odd, huh? I wonder why she did not show at all with my sister while she was very obviously pregnant with me - she practically looked like she was carrying twins! My mom had to have c-section for my sister too even though there was no issues with my sister, because once you've had a c-section it is more risky to have a natural birth after that (or so that was the belief in the mid-1980s). She just went into labor during the night and had the emergency c-section just because she went into labor and they did not plan the c-section or it was getting very close to the actual due date/planned birth date and she went into labor before that. Not sure which, but she was definitely full-term. I was so happy to have a baby sister though because I was lonely being an only child and was envious of all my friends at school who had so many siblings to play with! Especially quite a few of my classmates who had like 7 siblings or more, it seemed like every time I turned around a classmate just had a new sibling, and there were only 7 kids in my class including me at the time! For the longest time I thought it was normal for families to have 10 kids or more as I and one other classmate had no more than 2 siblings. I wondered why I had only 1 sister at the time while so many other kids had 5, 10, or more siblings! And this was in the 1980s.

I do not know how long we both were (in terms of inches).

I do not have any children yet and neither does my sister. She was pregnant in 2005 but unfortunately she miscarried. She is currently in the military so she is not planning to get pregnant again until after she finishes her military service with the Navy. I believe she has about 2 years to go. She is also married to a Navy guy as well, they just got married about 8 months ago.