Birth-Control, DEPO


New Member
Feb 13, 2011
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:wave:Anybody have any experience with depo shot?
I was on it from 15-18years old, then stopped it, now my periods are really bad and I want to stop them (read my Women Only Post) so now Im debating on going back on depo.

What was your experience with depo? Why did you go on it? Side effects? How long were you on it?
Do you have any long term problems from your depo usage?
Do you have endometriosis? If so, there are more effective treatments than depo.

I think that BCP are better than depo. Mainly because it's short term and you can stop if it makes you ill.
I was on Depo for 5 years and hated it. I went from being 124 lbs to 155 lbs. From a nice size 8 to a freaking 11...and I'm trying to get that depo weight off and it's just not happening.

I got my tubes tied in 10'. I do not have kids but convinced the doctor to tie them due to me being adopted and being born with a heart defect that could be genetic as well.

If you don't want kids-there are doctors out there that will tie your tubes for you. I was 27 when I got mine done. Depo is not good to be on for years, no birth control is.

You are young but watch that weight! on average you will gain 5lbs or more per year you're on it. If I had known that...forget it! Too late now eh? It was either get pregnant and regret it for the rest of my life or be hey, you can always lose the weight right? LOL
Do you have endometriosis? If so, there are more effective treatments than depo.

I think that BCP are better than depo. Mainly because it's short term and you can stop if it makes you ill.

I dont have a diagnosis, no doctor will take the time to test me and figure out whats going on.

I tried all types of pills, and they all made me sick. I even tried the NuvaRing, and that made me sick. It was like I had the flu every day.

I'm sure they have new ones out that I could try, but I know its not that effective against actual birth control, AND it wont stop my period, which is what keeps giving me problems.
My friend's daughter used to take depo for one year and stopped because she was losing alot of hair, I mean bald spots all over her head. Freak her out and us all too I think Depo is worst kind of Birth control. Try mild one I used to take it for 3 months because my menses were stopped at 36 and it worked little while then menses stopped. I did not feel anything I mean side effect from mild birth control pill so try this and see if it can ease your pain.
ha i knocked my ex and she was on depo crap... no birth control works!
As Dr. Ruth advises: "Always use a condom."
im been use depo as teenager they later im use birth control pills for longtimes
Depo-Provera is a branded progestogen-only contraceptive, depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) long acting reversible hormonal contraceptive birth control drug that is injected every 3 months. It is an aqueous suspension for depot injection of the pregnane 17α-hydroxyprogesterone-derivative progestin medroxyprogesterone acetate.
I absolutely hated the depo. I was on the pills for 3 yrs then I ended up with DVT (blood clots) and once I got that out of the way I went to a doctor for a different alternative. She said the depo was a good option for me.... Ohhh my god, I didn't have a period for almost 2 yrs and I only had 3 shots! I gained ton of weight. And anything with hormones just isn't good for me because of my DVT history soooo I put a stop to that.

But, its all about experimenting, something that didn't work for me may work for you.

Your body is prolly freaking out, I say let nature figure itself out or seek advice but don't take any meds without understanding the risks
I absolutely hated the depo. I was on the pills for 3 yrs then I ended up with DVT (blood clots) and once I got that out of the way I went to a doctor for a different alternative. She said the depo was a good option for me.... Ohhh my god, I didn't have a period for almost 2 yrs and I only had 3 shots! I gained ton of weight. And anything with hormones just isn't good for me because of my DVT history soooo I put a stop to that.

But, its all about experimenting, something that didn't work for me may work for you.

Your body is prolly freaking out, I say let nature figure itself out or seek advice but don't take any meds without understanding the risks

Nature is only making me worse. My periods are unbearable and its time to try to find alternative routes.
I always do my research and know my risks.