I agreed with most of their posts above and on the other page, so I don't need to add anything.
But it is pretty interesting since I see
differently than what they see. My opinion, I prefer to teach my toddler child names of the human body because of sex offenders and monifitie child (whatever word is, please correct me, thanks). Only parents and doctor can touch a toddler's thingys for medical reasons but strangers, friends, and others
CANNOT touch parents' child. I just prefer to teach a young child it is not okay for anyone (except parents and doctor) to touch her/him, period. So my child will know names of the human body rather than she or he is an 'ignorant' for not know about what is wrong and what is right for her/his
own body. If somebody touches my kid, I'm sure my child will tell me so I probably would believe (depend on situation and reaction of child's feeling).
As for pre teens, when she/he is around eight or ten years old (depend), I like to teach her/him about sex, diseases, money, and drugs, and
against desire of attentions, and sometimes teens could be dangerous. Just teach a child about telling them a "no" word to certin things all the time and avoid those certian things. I, myself, never have seen witnessed some young kids are invovled with teens, but I learned from very several people I know who.

When my future kid is near to be a teenager like 11 or 12, I would like to teach openly about sex education and prevention of pregnancy, and the same subject (more deeper than a basic) about sex and drug with her/him because the open commutation is pretty importance to me.
This is my POV and my opinion.