Bin Laden's Execution Does Not Buy My Vote for Obama

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Yup, that's very true and put Bin Laden into death penalty under federal is much costlier, along with lengthy trial.

The cost of having security during the trial would had cost a hell of a lot of money. We saved a lot money by killing the SOB. I am not saying I am voting for Obama and I sure do not want to vote for Mitt . I really have no one to vote for.
I just want to say I am reading all of your opinions carefully since this coming election will be the first time I vote for president and I am still not sure who I will vote for ever since Ron Paul has no chance of winning.

My opinion on Obama getting bin Laden is that he didn't do anything extraordinary. The military finally found him and Obama just happened to be in power instead of Bush. It was not Obama's victory, it was the military's victory.

Actually it was USA's victory...Why you think there was huge celebration in front of White House? Team Seal Six did their job and Obama gave order to kill the SOB...Obama had options and did a great job.
Actually it was USA's victory...Why you think there was huge celebration in front of White House? Team Seal Six did their job and Obama gave order to kill the SOB...Obama had options and did a great job.

That's right. A President is the only one to give a go-ahead because he/she is the President. However the order was not to kill, just catch him alive but if necessary, kill in self-defense. I believe that Bin Laden was ordered to put down his weapon but he refused so he got killed.
That's right. A President is the only one to give a go-ahead because he/she is the President. However the order was not to kill, just catch him alive but if necessary, kill in self-defense. I believe that Bin Laden was ordered to put down his weapon but he refused so he got killed.

Believe what you want to believe..I truly believe our president wanted him dead..

Young new voters scares me b/c they havent been in this world long enough to know who to vote for...that's life,I guess.
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