Yeah… I am glad someone like Mr. Cosby spoke out against Ebonics (black English) being used in the black community. Now I wonder if black militants like the Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpio will fire back at Mr. Cosby for speaking out against his own fellow people's language? I have great respects for black figures like Mr. Cosby!
Al Sharptin has a few things that are worth listening to. But much like jesse jackson, i believe he hates all white people and has a "black people can do no wrong" attitude. I'm all for equil rights, but his version of equil is about 80/20. Thats why he can run for president every election and will never get more then .02% of the vote. Same thing for jesse jackson. Has anyone really heard from him lately? I havnt, why not you ask? Well he was talking smack all during Clintons presidency about how its wrong to cheat on your wife and all that (and thats a good point). But then what happens, omg jesse cheated on his wife! Omg no, not jesse, so then he says how wrong it was of him, and he's very sorry about it, and how he regreted it and whatever... Then what does he do, he trys to rant on again about something else, but then guess what, another woman steps forward and says, "jesse is the father of my child" Well that seals the deal. jesse is no longer worthy of dog shit to me (not that he ever was you fucking racist jesse). So this concludes my lesson on why those 2 suck balls. PS, can someone get Colin Powel to run for prez, i'd vote him in with lightning speed. I bet if he ran starting today, he'd still beat out bush and kerry.