Biden's son discharged from Navy after testing positive for cocaine

Just like the network news all reported Wendy Davis who fillabuster against the abortion bill in the Texas senate. When Ted Cruz fillabuster in the U.S Senate against Obama care it got ignored by the media.
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The right wing propaganda machine is working just fine. If the left and the moderates choose to back off on Biden it is their right just like it is the right of Fox News to insult us moderates minds with gusto at every opportunity.
If the tables were competely turned would the far right allow anything but their own view? I personally do not thinks so. The right wing now is included in that statement being as what used to be far right isn't so far anymore. Due to what? The right wing media machine. The same machine that worked so well helping put us into Iraq when Saudi terrorists took out the World Trade Center. Poor poor right wing nearly take down the world economy and get off scot free. I feel so sorry for them. So abused.
I disagree. A democratic president was almost impeached for infidelity(something that is not illegal). And, the Plame scandel was a case of national security.

In fact, this story has been widely published:

In fact, Newt Gingrich, the man who tried to impeach him was having an affair and that was not reported:

That is where you on the left get confused. Bill Clinton was not impeached for having an affair. He was impeached for perjury.

Quite frankly, all that "confusion" is getting quite old now. It ruined ourt national credit, tripled our debt and now ISIS is back in Iraq and the situation is worse than when we went in.
Navy Times newspaper this week. I will have to go and get a copy to get the whole story. Pictured on lower left of front page "Bye, bye Ensign Biden.


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