Bible contradictions: a philosopher and a historian

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No matter how apparent the contradictions are, Christian fundies just won't see them, they try everything to "harmonize" contradictions. If they see contradictions in other religious books, they would say, "look at contradictions" and ignore the attempted explanations by the religious people.

Christian fundies simply don't have logic when it comes to the Bible.

Is that your scientific determination? I can see why the contradictions are supposely to appear but many skeptics have been silenced. Problem is that new skeptic who did not read history are doomed to repeat the humilation over and over.
Fine, you want something that goes against God's word?

Check out Genesis 6:3:

And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

So, now, you've got God saying no one will live beyond 120 years old. Hey, that's pretty clear here. It's really pretty impossible for anyone to live that long right now. But there are PLENTY of people who live in the bible after that who are over 120 years old. What's up with that? They're in Genesis, even! The same author said God said this and then contradicted himself later! Oh, wait, that's right, God's rules change willy-nilly, he must have willed those people to live longer because, you know, they make for a good story. My bad. The book is FAKE. (From Dennis)

Ummm check when that verse was mentioned? God said that to Noah. His family was the last of the multi centurians. People start to live closer to 100 afterwards. yes some lived longer than 120 after the pronouncement. It is hard to live up to 120 nowadays. There is no clear contradiction in this.
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