I was working on some artist trading cards last night, and I got to thinking...
I'm an OUT bisexual femme - always have, always will be. I've always been honest to every person I've had a relationship with - I've told them I'm bi, but I do not believe in having affairs while in a relationship, no matter what sex I'm with. Many of them have understood, and were very accepting...many of them have remained friends after our relationships faded away - it's nicer that way.
Now, back on topic - this is for both sides of the coin.
What is your uppermost thought, innermost feelings, when your partner turns to you and tells you that he/she's bisexual? I'm talking to those in long-term relationships, where the partner has always thought the other partner was straight in his/her sexual orientation.
Would you feel betrayed, or just accepting of it? What emotions did you feel when that happened to you, or what do you think would happen if that did happen to you? How would you deal with it, and if it has happened already, how did you deal with it then?
For the others, who came out as bisexual, what happened when you told your partner that you were bisexual?
Just wondering - never had a problem.
Please no flaming, no bashing, no inappropriate posts. This is intended for serious discussion, please.