Beware of Nigerian Scams


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
There are Nigerian scammers out there trying to scam deaf people. They choose to target deaf communities because they think they can fool us.

Here are some things you need to know in order to protect yourself from being scammed.

1.) There is NO such thing as "free money." If anyone offers you free money, you should automatically consider him/her a scammer. Period! If someone on AllDeaf offers you free money, report that member to me ASAP.

2.) No one works for me. I work alone. If anyone says they work for me on AllDeaf and have selected you as a winner of some prize, they are lying. Report the liar to me ASAP.

3.) Never, ever give out your email address to anyone on AllDeaf, unless you know them personally. Use AllDeaf's private messaging system instead, that's why it was created in the first place.

4.) A scammer usually starts by telling you that he/she is looking for a soulmate, they try to sweet talk to you and make you feel special. Sometimes they even claim to be part of a church group, Deaf Lottery Association, or whatever. Don't fall for their nonsense!

5.) Again, there is NO SUCH THING AS FREE MONEY! A scammer usually asks for your home address, then they send you a fake check which looks real but it's not. They want you to deposit the check at your bank (usually around $3,000) and want you to send him/her 90% cash and you keep 10% cash for "helping out." That's a RED FLAG right there!

If you want to help and add some tips on how to protect deaf people from being scammed, feel free to post here.

Edit: Anyone who has been contacted by a scammer via AIM/MSN/YIM, can you please let me know their screen name so I can make it known to the deaf community. By knowing their screen name, we can block them from contacting us.

Also, anyone has a fake check in hand, if you don't mind, can you please scan it and send me a copy via email so I can show our members what these checks look like? I'll make sure your name on the check is not shown.
Thanks for the warning Alex!

and btw where can I order a couple of mace pepper spray?....:mrgreen:
and dont forget DON'T share your personal informations like bank account number, ph nbr, your ss nbr, and so on with the scammers.
Also watch out in the email that they are claim needing some help about their business or lost heir. Stay away from them. They will ask for your bank account and will take your money no matter how much money you have.

Dont give out too much information your yourself. They will want to know everything about you.

Keep it to yourself and report to Alex or any adminstration of the forum.
Also, usually the Nigerian scammers would mention something about money orders...that is another red flag to watch out for. Glad we have this forum to educate and help each other out. :)
Also, if you have listed your name on the database or a similiar database, do not give out any AIM names, email addresses, or VP-100 phone numbers. I made the mistake of exposing my AIM screenname on, and have removed it since.

My friend got scammed and is still very upset. I am not sure what she is gonna do. So now I am aware of it. I am not gonna cash the check if they do ever send me one! PFHHT!!
Anyone who has been contacted by a scammer via AIM/MSN/YIM, can you please let me know their screen name so I can make it known to the deaf community. By knowing their screen name, we can block them from contacting us.

Also, anyone has a fake check in hand, if you don't mind, can you please scan it and send me a copy via email so I can show our members what these checks look like? I'll make sure your name on the check is not shown.
marry2005laura is one. This person was trying to get me to do some work at home clergy work. I was like "look sweetie, I am not some guliable dumbass. You're going to request money right?" Maybe we should make this a service. I know of a deaf person who was scammed out of a lot of money. We really need to show those scammers that we aren't easy pickens!
DeafDyke, was this on AIM/MSN/YIM?

Groan at those scammers still at work. Heavens they dont stop do they?? I was even accused as a scammer but luckily four people had a go at that person for falsely accusing me of being a scammer as I would never do that kinda of thing to anyone. It amazing how far they will go to get what they wants and one now have to be very very careful with what information to give to people these days. It scary stuff.
There is always going to be some dumb people who will still fall for those scams no matter how much you warn them not to.

Those dumb people deserve the Darwin awards.
keep delete! if you don't know who email list stranger or appear aim, yahoo, others. I got stranger yahoo im yesterday. I deleted it.
Good grief... I remember those e-mails that we used to get years ago...

Can't believe they were stupid enough to bring it into forums...
I recommend:

1> if you received a check from a scammer send you.
3> Save check and scammer's mail address
4> Call FBI and give those to the FBI, they will trace on them.
Thank you for warning, Alex...

I have seen kind of scam like this to my email but I delete them straight way.