Between you and your Deaf relative experience...

Well, what's father has some hearing loss too as well and the asshole has been being so mean to my father due to his hearing and "slow" sometimes and it makes my mother cry. Think like the good mother of Hitler acknowledged in her heart that his own son was very evil at once he was born and she had to raise him. =/
If you want him to improve, first thing is don't call him evil or hitler. That can make a person very bitter if their loved ones see them as evil, criminal, hitler. Just keep reminding him that what he is saying is very hurtful.

Remember, he is born hearing, he want acceptance too.
I don't know if her brother can change. I was a kid and witnessed everything what the way he talked and goes on. Glad he didn't give me a hard time when I visited there very frequent when katz wasn't born yet.
I think it is because they really hate being treated the way they are being treated. For example, my younger hearing sister and I go to same public school and she watched how everyone mocked and made fun of me. She didn't like what she was seeing and she definitely didn't like being humiliated because she have a deaf sister. So her reaction to this was to more preppy-like, and get involve in sports, and made mom buy expensive clothing even though mom really can't afford it. It did ease off the mocking but not completely, but I became as "one of the popular girl in school's sister" instead of her being "that deaf girl's sister" So I'm assuming since your older brother is deaf in one ear, this is just his reaction and all rooted on how people treat and view deaf people in general and he didn't want any associate with that. That's just my guess.
He should join you and fight Audism with you instead joining them who gave him problems in the first place, IF that's the case.

I am in for fighting for Stop Audism, look at my avatar title =). Don't worry abou it, he's already disowned by me long time ago. HE'S NOTHING TO ME. Period. Oh yeah, I call him the half-deaf Nazi f..k or prick at everytime people asks me who is that guy.
If you want him to improve, first thing is don't call him evil or hitler. That can make a person very bitter if their loved ones see them as evil, criminal, hitler. Just keep reminding him that what he is saying is very hurtful.

Remember, he is born hearing, he want acceptance too.

Sorry, this is very old news and unchanged. Everybody in my family knows very well of his nature well-being character. It doesn't bother my family whenever I brought up a label on him. They are understandable...even my cousins agreed with me. Don't be so surprised about them backstabbing behind his back.
Poor my sister-in-law for marrying the wrong guy like him. So she's stuck with him with kids. Sucks to be her. shrugs.
I do have hard of hearing sister. There like two sides of her sometimes. So if we are in group, I never would expect her to tell me what is going on cos it not her job to do that but my mum goes on and on and on how much my sister helps me and make sure I understand other people when we both were kids but she never ever done that. I wondered why mum thinks that, found out that my sister told mum she did. Bit weird. I think she was looking for praise for something she never did and make her look good pretending helping me.
Since I was still somewhat able to hear while growing up and using powerful hearing aids, I mostly did not have a problem communicating with my immediate family. My father also had a hearing aid for single sided deafness brought on by a medical issue. I had problems communicating with out of town family when they came to visit.

Now that I am total deaf, I sometimes have a problem with the family at home and we all keep paper and pencil handy. They are beginning to pick up some sign. I am still oral, but moving into using more sign.