Betrayal in Justice for All...


New Member
Jun 5, 2008
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Hello Everyone,

I am deaf & I want to do some kind of survey. Its not exactly a yes or no questions. It more of a narrative survey. Have anyone of you feel like being cheated by going to court & lost a case? Or creditors are ruined your credit history, etc. Or Did you have trouble communicating with an attorney? Do you think the court system is being fair?

I like to hear your story. Feel free to read other people's story on my Thread.

While this thread may be off topic, if you open my thread, can you at least input a line or two? I would love to know who browse my thread! :gpost:
Welcome to, DLAW.

Not every one here read the introduction section of the forum, so you probably want to do another thread in the proper forum. :)
Herzlich Willkommen ;)

You can create a new thread to share your view and feeling what and why you agree or disagree to.
welcome to our forum.. I dont have legal problems myself... maybe u want to elobrate more for more deep discussion?...
If you want to talk about the law and unfairness of having D/d/Hoh clients taken advantage by the crooks in courts, or credit companies. You need to move this thread into another forum, because, honesty, it is suppose to be an introduction thread. I know you are excited to know what we think when you want to ask us questions that you are curious about those things. Take heart, everybody want to know. See you around. :wave:
Also :welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Just take care and I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :)