Best TV Show Right Now?

Yes I have. The inconsistent writing, the constant adding of additional characters (the South American toxic twins) the seeming disappearence of formerly important charaters (remember Molly? Claude the invisible man?) Mohinder's droning on and on...turning into a mutant then regressing back to normal, Peter's powers coming and going, Sylar's bad, then he's wait, he's bad again! Nathan's good, then he's wait, he's good again! Ugh. I could go on and on. Just too much. :roll: The writers have been jerking us the viewers around too long and I for one, have had it. Buh-bye.

At least I still have Lost.

Frankly it's true, however they brought back Bryan Fuller who did the cast in Heroes Season 1. Each characters had their own background and story and a purpose. Micah is back and Sylar is badder than ever with the best episode of the season in "I am Sylar" Those who have disappear or disappearance just doesn't fit the story and had no purpose or already served its purpose. So we are back where the fans wanted most in season 1. Give it a chance, you will come to realize the story.
Those who have disappear or disappearance just doesn't fit the story and had no purpose or already served its purpose..

Okay I get that. What I don't understand is why the characters (Molly, anyway) just vanished. Both Mohinder and Matt Parkman were very close to the little girl.. why is there no mention of her anymore? She just vanished with no explanation. That is, in my opinion, lazy writing. What about Peter's stint in Ireland and the girl that was with him for a short time? She disappeared too. No good writers, no good. :thumbd:

we are back where the fans wanted most in season 1.

I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you on that one. :|

Give it a chance, you will come to realize the story.

I've watched this show from day one. I've been in it for the long haul but now, I just don't care for it much anymore.. all the backstories, inconsistences, time travel, pointless relationships (Matt and Daphne- worst "couple" ever) and silly Hiro shenanigans have worn me down.

I'm glad that you still find it enjoyable. To each his own.
...HOUSE [its rocks! not just what i stare at Cuddy, im only admire House's sense of humor, smart aleck and House-ism]

-CSI Las Vegas/Miami
- BURN NOTICE!!! [im so addicted to that show, man, i love it for real!!!]
- NCIS!!!!! [several of my coworkers thinks that DiNozzo is similiar personality as me..]