Best Relationship?


Farting Snowflakes
Premium Member
Mar 22, 2006
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What's the best relationship you've ever had? It can be a boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse, parent, child, or just a friend. I want to know, how does this relationship differ from the other relationships in your life?
Dallas <3
he is my boyfriend, my best friend, my partner in crime, my soul mate.
He know everything about me, he love me anyway. He tells me I'm beautiful when I know I'm overweight. He make time for me, he listen to me, he remember things which important to me. We meet age 4, only two Deafies in our preschool. Best friends! Then my family move age 10 from newfoundland to mainland canada. Miss him so much! Age 11 i decide go Newfoundland School for Deaf, mainly be near Dallas. I go one year, but then Dallas dad get transferred (he ask) to mainland. Yay! My family move to city where Dallas family move.
We start date age 13.
Ah, Tousi, man after my own heart, there.

Sunny, that is such a wonderful story there about you and Dallas. What a bond you have.
Of course I must say my husband. He is really good at unconditional acceptance.

But I am also in agreement with Tousi, all my dogs have been perfect.
of course my sister is very supported on my family because encourage to relationship my faithful I am value on my family heart awesome inspiration! I Hope be my heart best effort!
Dallas <3
he is my boyfriend, my best friend, my partner in crime, my soul mate.
He know everything about me, he love me anyway. He tells me I'm beautiful when I know I'm overweight. He make time for me, he listen to me, he remember things which important to me. We meet age 4, only two Deafies in our preschool. Best friends! Then my family move age 10 from newfoundland to mainland canada. Miss him so much! Age 11 i decide go Newfoundland School for Deaf, mainly be near Dallas. I go one year, but then Dallas dad get transferred (he ask) to mainland. Yay! My family move to city where Dallas family move.
We start date age 13.

teeeeeheeee! I love you your such a cuuuutie!
you and Dallas are an amazing couple!
Let's of my best relationship was with my dog named Kyle. We had so many adventures together growing up. We played fetch, ran together, walked around the neighborhood, traveled around the state and out of state as well. He died a happy old dog, he was 14 years old.
What's the best relationship you've ever had? It can be a boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse, parent, child, or just a friend. I want to know, how does this relationship differ from the other relationships in your life?

My mother. She's awesome and I can tell her ANYTHING without her judging me or making me feel stupid. We joke around with each other all the time. She's my shopping buddy. There was never a time when she wasn't there for me.

My best friend/"big sister" whom I have known all my life. She's a very wild girl and does crazy stuff all the time, but she's the only friend who I can tell all my secrets to. Whenever we hang out, we have tons of fun! It's such an adventure being around her. We totally get each other and have EVERYTHING in common. I can tell her crazy things and she won't look at me like I have two heads.

Don't even ask about the boyfriends! Had two serious ones, and my relationship with them ended up horribly. :roll:
Wirelessly posted

Definitely my dog. Still the love of my life and he has been there for me through ups and downs. He seems to have an understanding whenever I'm sad and crawls up next to me to cuddle.
My best relationship would have to be with my deaf brother. We were each other's back in an all hearing family growing up.
Probably my best friend b/c he was there for me all the time. I met him in 5th grade or 4th grade. He lost his hearing so he went to deaf classes. He was from local area and I lived 50 miles away. I hung around with him ever since. Ya know, junior high and high school, he was the only person I ate lunch with. It was just us. He was the only person I knew from the area.I had a strange life,very strange. I havent seen him for over 10 yrs. We always got in trouble in school. I mean almost everyday. I had teachers screamin' in my face and we're laughin' our asses off. Even in front of the damn principal. :lol: His name is Shane and he has like 4 siblings that I know of. I hung around with them couple of times when I spend the night at his house. Great people. His mother used to hug me when I visited and she passed away awhile back. I need to visit them again.

I look back and damn, I realized how lucky I was to have a friend like him. He was the only true friend I ever had! The sisters loved me and his older bro was mad cool. They knew their deaf brother was always happy when Im around.

Know what is weird? My family never met him b/c we lived 50 miles apart.
Best romantic relation ship, with Lee, he thinks nothing of having to do the little things to help me and he's just 100% supportive when others are thinking I'm mental.

Best relationship otherwise, with my cousin Angela. I see Angela once every 5 years, but she never forgets anything and we completely sync immediately. We just know each other without having to communicate often. We might talk twice a year and email about the same, but we know what the other is thinking just by looking at the other.

Best animal, my old husky (died 4 years ago) was never trained but just knew stuff. I got her as a runt and was told she would die soon because the mother wouldn't feed her and they had lost 2 already, I was 12 and hand fed her because I was hardheaded and wouldn't listen to anyone. She was always half the size of her breed but that was ok.
She just knew things about people in general, she could predict and warn me of my seizures when I had them in highschool, my sisters asthma attacks, would go lead dad back if he got too drunk, and would avoid mom.
She never had obedience training and would not respond to verbal commands reliably but would respond 100% to body language and would do exactly want to wanted her to do. At 12 I thought she was physic and could read mines but didn't understand english. She had 4 puppies, she got caught before we could get her fixed, and only one retained her abilities to just know things. Even at 13 she would look out for everyone, even strangers, but we had to put her down because of an aggressive tumor in her brain that was inoperable and was causing her pain and loss of coordination.
Haven't been able to find another like her yet, She was the best relationship out of all 3.

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