best reaction?

Solo Cup

New Member
Apr 22, 2003
Reaction score
I know you must have been at a red light before and the car next you recognizes you. What has been the best reaction?
i ve had abt 10 poeple i know in a good 5 yrs experince whilist driving and im at a red light an interp i knew opened her passenger side to catch my attention scared the shit out of me, but needed to informed me she couldn t interp had an family emergency last minute im like ok no plm others i KNEW and saw and chatted with and somehow. car behinds me HONKS im like HUH? oh green So i had to scoot! hahahah :)
I usually look around me before doing anything stupid. Heh!
That happens often here in Utah because so many Deafies live close to each other! We always see someone we know on the road! At the red light, the reactions are usually, "Oh HI!!!" with a wave, then we would chat. Sometimes we would catch someone while driving and not at the red light, driving same speed, side to side and chat, too!! Fun!
there has been one time i was sitting at red light singing an old mcdonald song to fly free and it was made up, and in the end i was moaning like i was having an orgasam and i didn t relize a car with mom and two kids were next to me and ofc being hot and all. all windows were down AND the others had thier car windows down and u guess it i turned my head and went OH HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIii my face turned beat red and fly free was cracking up at me i was laughing but dang it was SOO embarrassing! LOL! ( by the way they also were laughing the car next to me that is )
Yes, It happened to me different occasions ,I see my friend jumping up

and down and I looked to see what was up and then realized oh hey! That's

my friend. Ha. Other times a My Younger sister would go past me and

stopped and say hi! and then the other car be hide her would get mad cuz

she stopped in the middle of the road. My sister lives about 1 min away from

me so I see her all the time on the roads. Once I saw my dad on the freeway

passing me and he would give me attention until I looked at him but the

funny thing I was embarrassed:Oops: cuz, I Was singing in the car and wasn't

paying attention and then the next time My dad sees me on line he would

say. What were u doing? Talking to yourself? Ha.:ugh:

*Edit Add on* My Best Reaction would be Surprised!
Last edited:
*just nods*

Free country my eyes and to look other passagers.. oh wtf... yuck.. (groan) that gross.. wha.. heck other passager who trying to picking their nose... while waiting for Green light to go.. Made me disgustion..

One upon time, When I was standing on the sidewalk and waits for green lite to go.. Somehow I spotted my husband's car.. ahh there's go.. I staring at him.. what he doing. I saw him and laughed.. Then arrive home.. I poked my husband's shoulder.. Why r u talking on the window ?? He turned into RED FACE.. and asked me what am I saying? I say okay.. r u said, Why michael kept so stubborn and behave, what I do with my son?? He caught worst his beet face. I was so hillrcouris laughed harder.. Cannot talk him anymore..
:werd: Deaf258

It has happened to me three times here in Utah in the past 6 months!
First time was when I was driving Deaf258 to work, and we saw one of Deaf258's roommate driving by us, so we chatted for a short time whilst driving.

Second time, I was on I-15 driving to work, and my co-worker started to pass me, then oh hi! then we chatted for like 3 to 4 minutes then said "see you at work!" :lol:

Third time was an ASL student from SLCC, when I was driving in DT SLC. Suddenly, I saw something waving and I looked. Ohhh! Hi! and chatted at traffic light for a short time before going.

I think it's kind of neat.
Happened to me many times running into people I know at the red lights a lot.
I forgot to add that when I was in New Jersey, I always saw my mum, my sister or my best friend around when I was driving. Sometimes I would stop and talk with my best friend, and we would end up doing something that day. LOL
I don't like to see people I know at the stoplight. I dont know, i just feel .... exposed. Unprepared to see them, you know?
[Whistling... *GASPING* oh.. Hi... *chuckling nervously* um.... *speeding away*]

I remembered I saw my third grade teacher in a car aside to my mom's car when I was in 7th grade. Mom asked me if that is her, and I nodded so Mom turned to her steeringwheel and honked away to get the teacher's attention.

The most recent one was two weeks ago, I was stopping at a red light near my home when a friend's ex was making an U-Turn and saw me and waved his hand at me. I was like, "eh, Hi..." and waved slowly. I used to hang out with him everyday while he dated my best friend *we lived like two blocks away*... until my best friend broke up with him. :-/ I always saw him at the gas station anyway. pfft.

The most funny one was last summer when I was in Santa Rosa. I was with my two deaf friends, and they were chatting to eachother at a stop sign. I was gazing around the interseciton when I saw a blonde guy *LITERALLY* sticking his head out and trying to wave franctically to get my friends' attention *WHILE* making a left-turn. I was startled because I don't know who the hell was he, and I tried to get my friends' attention but the driver drove away before they could get a look. So I had to mimic that guy by sticking my head out and waved etc and described looks etc... then they said, "Oh that is J***, thank goodness we didn't see him or he would chase us down and force us to pull over just to talk!"
Two days later, I met that guy. I was like, "oh hi J***" and he was like, "uh, how do you know my name?" :lol:

What about bumping into people you know in grocery stores or at the mall? IT happened to EVERY, i mean it, EVERY TIME I go to the stores in certain areas like Mission Valley or Clairemont or even at the beaches! Oh GOD.