I don't like to see people I know at the stoplight. I dont know, i just feel .... exposed. Unprepared to see them, you know?
[Whistling... *GASPING* oh.. Hi... *chuckling nervously* um.... *speeding away*]
I remembered I saw my third grade teacher in a car aside to my mom's car when I was in 7th grade. Mom asked me if that is her, and I nodded so Mom turned to her steeringwheel and
honked away to get the teacher's attention.
The most recent one was two weeks ago, I was stopping at a red light near my home when a friend's ex was making an U-Turn and saw me and waved his hand at me. I was like, "eh, Hi..." and waved slowly. I used to hang out with him everyday while he dated my best friend *we lived like two blocks away*... until my best friend broke up with him. :-/ I always saw him at the gas station anyway. pfft.
The most funny one was last summer when I was in Santa Rosa. I was with my two deaf friends, and they were chatting to eachother at a stop sign. I was gazing around the interseciton when I saw a blonde guy *LITERALLY* sticking his head out and trying to wave franctically to get my friends' attention *WHILE* making a left-turn. I was startled because I don't know who the hell was he, and I tried to get my friends' attention but the driver drove away before they could get a look. So I had to mimic that guy by sticking my head out and waved etc and described looks etc... then they said, "Oh that is J***, thank goodness we didn't see him or he would chase us down and force us to pull over just to talk!"
Two days later, I met that guy. I was like, "oh hi J***" and he was like, "uh, how do you know my name?"
What about bumping into people you know in grocery stores or at the mall? IT happened to EVERY, i mean it, EVERY TIME I go to the stores in certain areas like Mission Valley or Clairemont or even at the beaches! Oh GOD.