The fact that you just tell us that you have digital aids tells us nothing. You also don't mention whether you wear one or two aids, so how many batteries you go through in 2 months is meaningless. I tend to agree with you that duracells are much to be desired at least as far as quality is concerned. I seem to come across more bad batteries when I use Duracells then when I use other brands. Keep in mind that the larger the battery the longer they will usually last.
Also how you use you aids along with how often will also be a determining factor. I use Rayovac, but I'm sure there are other brands out there that are less expensive and just as good. If you are using a smaller sized battery and wearing your aids for say 16 hours a day and wearing 2 aids then 16 batteries in 2 months is not unreasonable. Try keeping a flashlight on for 16 hours a day and see how long the batteries last.