I find it hard to believe that you guys are arguing which deaf school are the best.
We are a small community, working toward a common purpose- that is, educating our youths. Therefore, we shouldn't be arguing which school is the best, we should be discussing on HOW can we improve the schools that are under performing.
Pathetic, you guys are.
This will be the last time that you guys will ever hear from me so don't bother messaging me or replying to this message.
So long,
John Doe
Here is another perspective: parents of deaf/hh children who are DESPERATELY trying to find the BEST educational options for their children. In America, you live in one particular state--you have a child who is born in that state--you may or may not move to another state(or states) as that child grows up--your child is diagnosed with a hearing loss--OMG: what should we do to help him/her get the best education possible? So, you begin by looking into the local options in the particular state that you live in--sometimes the options are good, and sometimes they are not. You begin to look at other states--sometimes you see things that SEEM to be better options but you are not sure. You may consider moving your whole family to another state so that your deaf/hh child has access to that possible better option--but it is a HUGE deal to move your whole family based on these options. You really have to be SURE that you are making the right decision for your child and for the whole family. How can a parent make those comparisons and decisions without discussing them among other parents in the same situation and among deaf/hh people who have experienced some of these options? See what I mean? To a parent in my position, we REALLY need to have MUCH more discussion about: where are the BEST deaf schools located and WHY are they the best? How else are we going to find the proper education for our kids--just send them to whatever school is nearby? NO--I am NOT happy with our LOCAL options--they do NOT meet my child's needs. SO--I am looking at options in other states--the only way to really get a good idea of which schools may be best for my child is to discuss this exact topic: which deaf schools are best. Yes, there will be differing opinions on the matter, but the discussion--if lots of details are provided regarding each school--can be VERY VERY helpful to parents who are trying to find the best educational options for their children. PLEASE--MORE discussion so parents can be informed and make the best decisions for their deaf/hh children! PLEASE!
I wouldnt look for people's differing opinion on what's the best deaf school but look for programs or schools that offer full access to an appropriate language (ASL) in the classrooms, keep ASL and English separate, use the public school curriculm, students are required read for at least 30 mins daily, have block times for math and language arts forbidding pull-outs during those times, kids grouped together appropriately (one program grouped 13 kids from 6 years old to 13 years old together in a self contained deaf class for all subject areas...bad idea), discrimination against deaf people is nonexistent, sentivity to deaf culture and deaf needs are practiced, and social opportunities are present for deaf children.
If a school or a program in a public school offers all of these, then it is a good deaf educational program.
What about Kansas School for the Deaf? One of my friends sent her daughter to KSD, and also mainstreamed her. Katie said that Remy's experiance at KSD was even better then her mainstream sitution.
I thought that Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind was supposed to be good, as well as Western Pennsylvania school for the Deaf. Also Austine School for the Deaf.
Indiana School for the Deaf is worst ed in USA! They messed my brain about grammar and English that I don't understand.
Funny...they are rated as one of the best academically.
Yea, I wonder what year did this person go there? I know that back in the old days during the years of oralisms, Deaf schools had lower standards but since the 1990s when MSD became the first Deaf school to adopt the public school curriculm, there has been a revamp in the standards.
Also, there were many teachers back there who didnt have the proper training to teach deaf children which could be another reason?
True. I know that the past few years, IDS has been at the top of the list. And all deaf schools have revised their standards.
I know that not all Deaf schools are perfect right now...
What school is?
I know but teacher [Mod's Edit - names are removed], they really enjoy insults and bully to students and hard time to focus on grammar and they never get fired from principal. They were my english teacher that's why I don't understand the grammar.