Doesn't that mean I don't get paid? I actually need a well-paying career because my grocery bill is starting to exceed my mortgage bill, and my gas bill is catching up rapidly. I don't have enough money to live. Therefore, I must work for it.
My household is seriously considering shutting off not just internet and TV, but ELECTRICITY. This is how desperate we've become. And we've been considered "upper middle class" most of my life, and our pay has not decreased. The cost of living has increased. We run a farm, and my dad works as a registered nurse for top pay. There's nothing lavish about the way we live right now. I eat rice and veggies for every meal. That or rice and beans. I can't afford anything else. I don't go out to eat, don't go out to the movies, don't rent videos, don't do anything extra.
I'm very sorry for that. I've just been feeling like I needed to say that for a long time. It has nothing to do with you, and maybe it isn't even appropriate for me to say it.
Oh, and look, I didn't even read your post right!
I still wanna say that just in case it helps somebody, although I can't imagine how it can. Maybe somebody is feeling the same way, and misery loves company, as they say.