BEST ANDROID PHONES - Which one do you have?


New Member
Mar 23, 2009
Reaction score
Samsung S3/S4, Google Nexus 5, HTC one/dna, or else for only android

I am not talking about iPhone!!!!!:nono:
I have the Google Nexus 4 which I'm very happy with. I prefer the stock Android GUI to the Samsung one.
I have Samsung Note 3
Wirelessly posted

Droid DNA. If you know how to root then the DNA is the way to go. Or you can wait couple months for HTC one 2 or S5.
I have iPhone 5s, and sorry I just wanted to say it BUT I also have Samsung Note 3. :cool2:
what the heck? I've never heard of nearly everything mentioned in here. dang I've been living in cave a lil' too long.
what the heck? I've never heard of nearly everything mentioned in here. dang I've been living in cave a lil' too long.

Welcome to the modern world of technology, my friend.
what the heck? I've never heard of nearly everything mentioned in here. dang I've been living in cave a lil' too long.

nah, that's good sign, you been living real shouldn't be central in your life - ever i get behind too and no shame, i understand tech okay so its easy to catch up...i know you can catch up quite fast...chill man...
what the heck? I've never heard of nearly everything mentioned in here. dang I've been living in cave a lil' too long.

LOL uh-huh, silly. :laugh2: I don't follow regular tv, so I use my 2 yr old contraption to stream movies or local news apps.
Samsung Note 3 looks nice. Tell me which better Samsung Note 3 and iPad imini with carriers for travel and why?
I have iPad Air, mind you.

Well, both are very good. It is really to each their own with their tablet perference. The Samsung Note 3 is very good and it comes with a stick you can use on the screen, and you can download movies with the torrent app on Samsung Note 3. Samsung Note 3, you can manage your data more efficiently with the data ussage (I know all other smartphones can)
Ipad mini personally would be the bigger screen for travelling purposes and has better camera resolution, I'll have say

Overall, it all up to the person's perferences and what reasons they want to get for travel purposes.