Originally posted by jejones3141
Depends. What do you mean by good? Does good mean having long battery life? The ability to switch lenses? High resolution images? Lots of storage (lots of RAM, or connection to a FireWire or SCSI umpteen-gigabyte hard drive, or both?) Good performance in low light? Accurate color reproduction? Durability?
"All the above, plus low cost," you say? I wish...
Seriously...I'm not experienced enough to give much advice, but here's some advice:
1. Ignore "digital zoom." As Lars from Metallica would say, "Optical zoom good. Digital zoom bad."
2. Keep an eye out for cameras that use image sensors made by an outfit called Foveon; they're starting to come out with them. Foveon's "X3" image sensor technology is a considerable improvement over what has gone before. (No, they don't pay me to say that...)_