no. freaking. way.
DARS - DHHS Specialized Telecommunications Assistance Program
no. freaking. way.
My boyfriend and I were discussing things today and he asked why I didn't want a Cochlear Implant. I know I posted saying that I didn't see my HL as something to be grateful for, and that I saw it as broken or impaired... but today, I realised that I actually embrace it a lot more than I realize. I would never permanently change myself into a hearing person. My deafness has helped me become such a better person than if I had never known the difference. I'm so lucky to have the life that I have and lucky to have been taught so many valuable lessons by this "disability" to hear. I'm not disabled after all- I'm just a little different.
and I have you guys to thank for showing me this.
I think that I have learnt patience from being HOH. I wonder if this is correct: HOH/deafies are "better listeners".
I think that I have learnt patience from being HOH. I wonder if this is correct: HOH/deafies are "better listeners".
I think that I have learnt patience from being HOH. I wonder if this is correct: HOH/deafies are "better listeners".
Actually, you are very correct. I've often noticed this about myself as well. Knowing how it feels to have people be impatient, condescending, rude because I can't hear everything all the time (or just the simple fact that impatience with something I can't help, makes that person look like more of a retard then they're treating me like :rollnaturally taught me to be patient with others. I don't want to make someone else feel like they're not good enough to listen/talk to/get to know just because they need me to compromise my way of communication a little bit to make it work, because that's what I expect of every single person I come into contact with.
Not to even mention that we already listen tenfold harder than anyone else just because we really do want to understand and not put people out without at least trying not to.
In some cases, no. I have a couple of friends who talk on and on - not letting you talk at all.
I often need time to listen, i.e. the process "sound -> words" takes more time in case of bad hearing. I sense that people think that I am mentally slow. In my view, they are too impatient. There is a movement called Slow Food that advocates you-know-what. We need "Slow Talk" too.
Several people talking at the same time is annoying too. It means that I am better off reading a newspaper.
Hmm, I am Deaf - not "hearing impaired", (I am not an impaired, broken person but a whole, healthy deaf person) but the art and idea - pretty cool! Nice job!
I get 90% of my news from reading the newspaper or reading articles on or local news stations' websites.
This thread is silencist and totally disrespectful to those of us with tinnitus!![]()
I find the NYT irrevelant as I live in the deep Southeastern United States. I'm pretty much cut off from NY and it might as well be on a different planet compared to where I live.