Ben & Jerry's founders say they would consider making marijuana ice cream


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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The ice cream moguls behind Ben & Jerry's said they would consider creating a cannabis-infused ice cream in line with the rest of their quirky flavors. When it becomes legal, of course.

In an interview with HuffPost Live, a commenter wrote to Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, suggesting the new flavor.

"Ben and Jerry should totally do a cannabis edibles flavor... available wherever legal (of course)," wrote commenter Jeremy Simpson.

"Makes sense to me," said Cohen in response. "Combine your pleasures."

Greenfield seemed a bit more reluctant to hop on board with selling a psychoactive drug in their ice cream, though ultimately agreed with Cohen.

"Ben and I have had previous experiences with substances, and I think legalizing marijuana is a wonderful thing," he said. "It's not my decision. If it were my decision, I'd be doing it, but fortunately we have wiser heads at the company that figure those things out." jerrys-founders-say-marijuana-ice-cream-makes-sense/544558/
I think they should consider doing that, when marijuana is legalized in many states, rather than only a scant few. Otherwise, they run the risk of having to carry marijuana-infused food through several states where it's illegal...
It's a brilliant business move because when you do weed you get the munchies and well... it's weed with a built-in munchie fix! :D
does that mean the costs will be expensive for this one alone?

Good question.

I know marijuana is heavily taxed in Colorado and Washington, so I'm now wondering if this ice cream batch would cost a lot more because of taxes...

And if it'll be only sold in specific stores instead of nation-wide/state-wide stores... hmmmm.
That saying..."We all Scream for Ice Cream!"...So your child goes to the fridge and gets a bowl of Ice Cream....Then he's higher than a kite....:roll:...So not only are we having to lock up our Guns...Are we gonna have to lock up the Ice Cream too?...
That saying..."We all Scream for Ice Cream!"...So your child goes to the fridge and gets a bowl of Ice Cream....Then he's higher than a kite....:roll:...So not only are we having to lock up our Guns...Are we gonna have to lock up the Ice Cream too?...

Well what about beer in the fridge?
Well what about beer in the fridge?

That's for "Daddy" for teenagers...they will attempt at times to snitch one.....but children?...Not so much. Ice Cream is a treat for the kiddos....and American as Apple Pie.

Anyhow, no Beer in my fridge....and never any alcohol either. Too tempting to 3 boys...Put the temptation out there and kids will want to try it. I do drink Wine occasionally. But it's in a spot that only I know where it any and all alcoholic beverages should be when you have teenagers in the House. or locked up (same as for guns).
My dad made homemade ice cream and he put rum in it and he let us kids have some.
Good question.

I know marijuana is heavily taxed in Colorado and Washington, so I'm now wondering if this ice cream batch would cost a lot more because of taxes...

And if it'll be only sold in specific stores instead of nation-wide/state-wide stores... hmmmm.

You'll need an ID to buy it and if you have kids you'll need to hide it by putting it into a container of some food they do not like.
Wildhunt, in response to your post just to give you all an idea of the price of marijuana in Washington, I purchased my last gram at $32 with tax. Though I have heard rumors that the price of marijuana is expected to go down because there is dispensaries popping up everywhere and the supply is becoming more than the demand. Though... I can't exactly remember which media source I got this information from so I could be wrong.

Talula -
Here in Colorado, one store near Denver had $65 for 1/8ths. That was right at the beginning when recreational sales were approved. Now that more places are opening approved recreational shops, one place nearby I believe charged $200 for 1/2 or close to 1 oz.

One infused lollipop at that nearby shop charged for $10. I wonder how much they'd charge for a pint of ice cream.
You could buy pot cheaper on the street I don't see why people just grown their pot and get rid of the middle man and Uncle Sam!
You could buy pot cheaper on the street I don't see why people just grown their pot and get rid of the middle man and Uncle Sam!

Why not grow all your own vegetables and raise all your cattle? It's the same reason, just too much effort and time and cost to be worthwhile.
Yeah, buying it on the street is certainly cheaper, that was actually my first and only time in the store since I wanted to see what it was all about. :)
Well, yes, street weed is cheaper, but I'd rather do it the legal way. :) That way, I don't run into the risk of getting arrested by an undercover cop, and I don't have the risk of buying street weed that's been laced with other stuff. Happened to a friend of mine. :/
Yeah, buying it on the street is certainly cheaper, that was actually my first and only time in the store since I wanted to see what it was all about. :)

I would buy it once from a store for the same reason as you. Can you try a sample joint to see if you like it ? :giggle: I am joking !
Lol samples... eat the slice of brownie and drive away stoned... probably not the best idea.

Yeah... probably not...