Im no speing chicken, but ive been training for a long time, in traditional martial arts, addiction and jail were years absent but ibwas training prior snd thus is why karwte was able to save me, i went back to the thing i knew wouLd
My knees r holeing up re iaiado. But ive been training for yesrs so im well adapted.
Ive suffered allot of injuries in msrtial.arts..llot..and those r cstching up to me now, the most recent injury almost ended my carrier, snd im still recovering.
I move better then allot of 20 somethings, quicker with a mor. focused movement. But ive fought allot, in my time, jail for.Deafie really really sucked.
When in some years . Still hope to be moving like water
for vaguness sake im hovvring at oe srouns 40ish for those curious.
Addiction took its toll on my liver thus i cant drink or suffer, i csnt even tske s tylonal, or even advile weed it is for me
Some niights i crawl into my house unble to stand straight from hours on my knees,, but you know
Not dead!! Dont quit!!
It is my calling